The Italian Job – IOTW Report

The Italian Job

Curiouser and curiouser

[h/t pookie18]

La Cruna Dell’Ago:

Italygate, part II: Obama and Renzi accused of being the masterminds of the US electoral fraud.

by Cesare Sacchetti

The latest article published on this blog has explained the hacking scheme which involves Italy’s government.

Bradley Johnson, a former CIA agent and chief of one of the intelligence agency stations, revealed how Italy had a crucial role in what could be described as an international coup d’état against Donald Trump.

Basically, the main actor of this attack was Leonardo, who is an Italian government company leader in the defense and aerospace sectors.

There’s another person who has completely confirmed the role of Italy in this fraud and it is Maria Zack.

Mrs. Zack is the chairman of the association “Nations in Action ” and in an audio file leaked two days ago she explains how the fraud would have occurred.

According to Mrs. Zack, the operation center which coordinated the attack was effectively the US embassy in Rome.

This version completely matches Mr. Johnson’s story, but Mrs. Zack gives more important details about it.

The operation would have been coordinated by the Italian General Claudio Graziano on the second floor of the embassy, assisted by an Italian secret service agent, Stefano Serafini.

General Graziano is a very important character in this story. The Italian military is on the Leonardo board and at the moment he’s the president of the military committee of the European Union.

The General is an ardent supporter of a European army solution and in one of his recent conferences clearly said that there’s nothing beyond the EU and NATO.

Therefore, Graziano could be considered a deep state operative and a member of the military lobbies that are fiercely opposing President Trump’s foreign policy, which is not based upon military interventionism but rather on the respect of other countries’ sovereignty.

However, the Italian military would have been the director of this operation which would have used Leonardo’s technology.

As Mr. Johnson said, the Italian governmental company provided its technology to run the hacking attack.

Maria Zack confirms that a “Leonardo’s satellite was used to load the software and change the votes from Trump to Biden”.

Originally, the plot to switch votes from Trump to Biden didn’t start in Rome, but in Frankfurt, where a CIA station hosts Dominion’s servers.

There’s More

13 Comments on The Italian Job

  1. I sincerely doubt if 0’bama was the mastermind…Figurehead yes, and He

    does inspire People to act…..But let’s face it, He’s a B- Movie Actor

    that can read a Screen. I would love to see Him on

    “Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?”


  2. Political power:

    It’s like a chess game where the player that concentrates on moving the the pieces loses and the player that concentrates on the strategy behind their moves wins.

    That’s why they win and we lose, and I doubt we’ll be changing anytime soon so get used to it.

  3. I think this is BS. I heard the Nations for Action woman on a so called secret phone call and she laid this out and her plea was for money. Repeatedly – I / we need money. Sorry but I think people want to believe this kind of stuff and there are those that will take advantage.

  4. The Lazy Euro Fucks want you to protect them as they vacation at the beach & sip espressos.

    I have no use for my remaining family in Italy. Too lazy to even have kids so they import their population and watch them burn down churches.

  5. As were half the people in the Obama administration, Claudio Graziano is also on the Atlantic Council. Surprise, surprise, surprise.

    I wonder if Biden is bringing Evelyn Farkas back on board.

  6. Remember how barr and durham spent so much time in Italy last year?
    Durham stayed behind for a while. The excuse was, “It’s hard to get them to talk to us”.

    LOL. More like, “I wanna hide and their pasta is soooo gooood.”


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