Italy’s Meloni To Pull Trigger On Belt & Road Exit In Major Blow To China – IOTW Report

Italy’s Meloni To Pull Trigger On Belt & Road Exit In Major Blow To China

CDM: The government of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is readying plans to pull the trigger on a formal exit from China’s controversial Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), estimated at having funded $900 billion in infrastructure projects globally.

The past weeks have seen increasing reports that Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party has been spearheading a move away from the BRI, though some within the broader center-right coalition unity government have been on the fence. Bloomberg now reports Tuesday that “Italy has signaled to the US that it intends to pull out of a controversial investment pact with China before the end of the year.”

9 Comments on Italy’s Meloni To Pull Trigger On Belt & Road Exit In Major Blow To China

  1. “”major blow to China” lol if the decrepit West is crowing about a member of the EU *potentially* backing out of BRI, that just shows how far we have fallen, and how voraciously China is eating our lunch. I’d be willing to bet that, in the end, Italy sticks with BRI. The CIA will have to do a “regime change” to keep Italy on the “International Rules-Based Order” reservation.

  2. “China’s controversial Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), estimated at having funded $900 billion in infrastructure projects globally.”

    Controversial to whom? The western Globalists who have run their empire by building hundreds of military bases around the world and fomenting regime-change, instead of investing in local infrastructure?

  3. Margret Thatcher would be very proud. VERY proud.

    AOC would probably ask: if Italy ends the Belt initiative, what’s going to hold up all the Italians’ pants?

  4. Prato Italy. Direct flights to Wuhan.
    China owns the place.
    Built the airport.
    Make your Italian shoe for u.
    Not sure who she is trying to sand bag.
    Does anyone know how to tell the truth anymore?


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