Italy’s Salvini Wants Curfew for ‘people who raise hell’ at night – IOTW Report

Italy’s Salvini Wants Curfew for ‘people who raise hell’ at night

Breitbart Europe: Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini is planning a 9 p.m. curfew for “ethnic shops” which attract drunks, drug dealers, and “people who raise hell” at night.

The populist-nationalist League (Lega) leader, whose popularity has surged since he joined with the anti-establishment Five Star Movement (M5S) to form a eurosceptic, anti-mass migration coalition, announced the controversial policy in a Facebook address reported by Euronews.

“[There will be an amendment] for the closure by 21:00 of those little ethnic shops that in the evening become a meeting place for drunk people and drug dealers,” said the Italian leader.

Using highly charged language, he said that establishment of this sort were attracting people “who drink beer and whisky until 3 a.m. and raise hell” and “piss and shit everywhere” as well.

“It’s not polite,” he added, revealing that he lived nearby to such places himself, and that he believed they were degrading the quality of life of many Italians.  more here

2 Comments on Italy’s Salvini Wants Curfew for ‘people who raise hell’ at night

  1. I don’t much care for this idea. People who raise hell at 3:00 a.m. should be jailed for disturbing the peace. People who openly relieve themselves in the street should be jailed for littering and as public nuisances. As long as drug dealing is illegal, people who deal drugs should be jailed for dealing drugs.

    A curfew for selected businesses would be an easy route to official corruption wouldn’t address the actual problems.


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