It’s a ‘basket’ case – IOTW Report

It’s a ‘basket’ case

WiredRight: If Hillary Clinton and the Democrats are so confident of winning this election, why are they becoming more hysterical by the day?

“You can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables,” she said Friday night in New York. “Right? Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.”

The national polls are pretty much dead even right now. So Hillary just wrote off one-quarter of the U.S. population — 80 million or so Americans. Four years ago, Mitt Romney casually mentioned the “47 percent” who don’t work and he instantly became the world’s worst human being.

Hillary says much, much worse and … nothing to see here, folks. Move along.

Remember, this is a woman who in 2010 described a former exalted cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan as her “mentor.”


11 Comments on It’s a ‘basket’ case

  1. With Cankles, daily f**kups are standard. Gives one reason to rise in the mornings to see what new shit she is burying herself under. She could not sabotage her campaign better if she tried. Which still borrows the question, is she trying to sabotage it so that at the last minute Soros get’s his real pick in the hopper? We should start a go-to fund for hiring elimination squads to find this Soros nazi and do the deed. He is not in search engines to locate the sewer rat. Hiding and sniping, what the old bastard does best and has since the 1940s.

  2. Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.

    Back when those words had objective definitions, there may well have been something wrong with people who qualified. But now, you are a racist if you merely mention any trivial difference between black, white, asian, or even ethnic groups who don’t even qualify as separate races (e.g. hispanic).

    So, I ask you, what is actually morally or ethically wrong with being “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, or islamophobic”?

  3. Exactly Al, the words have lost thier traditional meaning.

    I learned about the little boy who cried wolf long ago. Happy to report I am now a card carrying racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.

    It’s like a rite of passage, Hillary and her dumb fuck supporters hate me.

    Good! Because I’m not anything like them!

  4. Along the line in this thread the left is purposefully misrepresenting the term “phobia”. Phobia is an irrational fear of something. I don’t fear homosexuals. I don’t fear foreigners, per say. I simply despise muslims. It’s not fear.

    If any term would accurately describe my world view in a phobia sense it would be establishmentbureaucraticphobia. Now that’s something to fear. Their body count is immense. They enabled Nidal Hassan, the tsarnaev brothers, the San Bernardino mass murderers, and the rest of the islamo mass murderers. Enabled the Muslim in chief to cripple our military while arming Isis and financed Iran.

    Sorry. /Mini rant. Posting without proof reading cuz it’s a phone.

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