‘It’s a drug. It’s not a politician’: Bill Maher drags leftists who ‘politicized’ Ivermectin – IOTW Report

‘It’s a drug. It’s not a politician’: Bill Maher drags leftists who ‘politicized’ Ivermectin

BPR: Bill Maher once again ruffled leftist feathers on his show “Real Time on HBO” Friday night, stating that it’s crazy that drugs such as Ivermectin are used as political fodder as he discussed drug maker Merck’s new pill for the virus.

“One of the problems is you’ve written so eloquently about is that we have politicized medication now. I mean, Ivermectin…Ivermectin. It’s a drug. It’s not a politician. It should not have any reputation, except does it work or not,” Maher told Matt Taibbi and Katherine Mangu-Ward. He claimed his premise was “completely non-controversial.”

“Like on the left, it was like, Oh no, you can’t even mention it,” Maher added. “And of course, the comedians on the left would only talk about the fact that it was used to deworm horses, leaving out that it’s been prescribed millions of times for humans now.”

Taibbi and Mangu-Ward of Reason both chimed in as Maher discussed Merck’s COVID pill which allegedly cuts the risk of death by almost half, the Associated Press is reporting.

“I think it could be a game-changer,” commented Mangu-Ward. “I will admit I went into the pandemic extremely skeptical of the FDA and the CDC, but I think America joined me in that as we saw a huge number of mistakes by the public health bureaucracy. Huge.”

“This pill does not have FDA approval right now. So I want to know how long are we going to have to wait if this is lifesaving, just like the vaccines have turned out to be?” she asked. “I would really like for people to have the right to try these life-saving medications. And I’m afraid that the bureaucracy is going to stand in the way.” more

13 Comments on ‘It’s a drug. It’s not a politician’: Bill Maher drags leftists who ‘politicized’ Ivermectin

  1. 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑰’𝒎 𝒂𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝒈𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒚.

    Why in the world would you think that bureaucracy would do anything other than what bureaucracy has always done?

    Or is this the setup for one of those “definition of insanity” jokes?

  2. “I would really like for people to have the right to try these life-saving medications. And I’m afraid that the bureaucracy is going to stand in the way.”
    RIGHT TO TRY LAW – Thank you President Trump!

  3. As many have pointed out over the years, the pharmaceutical companies and the FDA (and now CDC, NIH, etc.) are pretty much synonymous. And I submit there’s no way to fix it short of removing the Federal Government from the healthcare business. Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare…etc… have to go. The laws regulating what the pharma’s can and can’t do need to change as well.

    This would also bring part of the Federal system back inline with our Constitution and its original intent.

    Medicine is a 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 to be run by experts in a free market with policies left up to the States – not idiot, Federal politicians and bureaucrats constantly swindled by globalist corporations.

    In hindsight, there should have been a whole lot more of “Congress shall make no law…” clauses in the original Constitution…

  4. This is great news.
    We’re all saved.
    I hear Merck’s new drug, at only $70 per pill, is ALMOST AS EFFECTIVE AS $2.50 IVERMECTIN.

    BTW, who was more adept at cutting through the bureaucratic red tape, in our lifetimes, than Donald Trump?
    – Answer: Nobody

  5. Dear Larry,

    “First, do no harm”

    The “vaccine” is killing people. Mandated use is sure to kill people. Does it “save” more people than it kills is the question. As of this moment it appears that the answer is no.

    And, no, government cannot constitutionally mandate it.

    By the way, ventilator use appears to be a good way to kill people, not help them.

  6. Take these jabs, they’ll keep you from getting sick.
    Well, they’ll keep you from getting really sick.
    Okay. they may keep you from getting really sick.
    Okay, they won’t keep you from getting really sick.
    Okay, maybe they’re making you sick.
    But they’ll keep you from dying.
    Okay, they won’t keep you from dying.
    But if you get another jab, it might do that.
    And another jab after that, to be safe, maybe.
    And we have this pill now, to keep you from dying.
    Well, it may not keep you from dying.
    But it will keep you from getting really sick.
    From Covid, not the jab.
    We don’t have a pill for the jab yet.
    But we’re working on it.


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