It’s a Riot! – IOTW Report

It’s a Riot!

It’s a brand new year, on a brand new platform! To resume Season 9 (after successfully completing my EMT training), we’re going to pic apart one gun control article’s claim that American gun culture “fed America’s insurrectionist fever dreams.” – 99point7percent

SNIP: He’s a friend of mine-
Please follow the channel, as he will be loading more videos soon.

6 Comments on It’s a Riot!

  1. stop2think
    JANUARY 21, 2021 AT 8:59 AM
    “Congrrats on embarking on your EMT career. No two days are alike”

    …Amen to what stop2think says. You’ll have long stretches of boredom punctuated by moments of sheer terror and abject horror, and learn things about people you NEVER wanted to know, but you can also be the line between life and death with the Lord’s help abd grace, and that’s not a little thing.

    My advice is, get as much patient time as you can, never fight with a patient at all or with a partner on a scene, stay calm and professional no matter how bad it looks, never lie to your patient but never take all the hope away from them or their family as that’s the Lord’s call and not yours, fight Death with every ounce of your skill and every fibre of your being, work closely with all your assets, ESPECIALLY your partner and Lieutenant and Captain as they may see something you don’t or know something you don’t, never be embarrassed to ask someone with a higher level of medical training for advice as your MOST important mission is your patient, you can worry about your ego later.

    Be flexible, stay in your protocols, don’t try to be a Doctor, but when in doubt ALWAYS err on the side of Life because its MUCH easier to defend Life than Death, both in a Court and to the Lord…AND to your own conscious.

    Compartmentalize if you must to be able to look at terrible things and still be a functional human being, but remember to EMPTY those mental compartments later or they’ll be back, maybe years, even decades later, to haunt you.
    Remember that YOU are NOT definitive care, YOUR job is to preserve life and mitigate pain to GET a person successful to definitive care.

    And I didn’t have the most IMPORTANT one for my pig-headed self in MY day, because I would not listen to a Lord that saved me many times anyway, but my life would have been MUCH easier if I HAD.

    Get with the LORD.

    HE is the Ultimate Physician. No Doctor actually heals, only HE does. Let HIM guide your hand and your mind and you and your patients will have the best outcome every time.

    …probably missing a lot, but you’ll be fine if you do these things. Enjoy your time, learn all you can, don’t take it home or let it darken your heart, and you may look back on this one day as a high point in your life.

    God Bless,


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