It’s a Sign – IOTW Report

It’s a Sign

A few days ago, Janet Yellen was answering: “How concerned are you about the long term status of the dollar?” The US Treasury Department sign fell off.

7 Comments on It’s a Sign

  1. I would have preferred a bolt of lightning right to the forehead, setting her on fire, with the resultant smoldering ashes spelling out ,”Hey dumb-ass, quit printing funny money and show some restraint”.

  2. In related news:

    “The US and Western allies are moving forward with a $50 billion loan package to Ukraine backed by the profits of frozen Russian assets…”

    The Treasury is held together with bubble gum, baling wire and some stolen rubles. You just saw the bubble gum in action.

  3. Searched for a link to the video showing when the light fell and almost hit the Clintons during an interview. The video is “not available in [my] country” and the CBS video of that near-fatal incident is also not available.

  4. Her “official seal” collapses right in front our eyes and her reaction is like “Don’t believe your lying eyes. It didn’t happen.”

    God has a sense of humor.

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