‘It’s All Nonsense’: Bongino on New Claims From Top Democrats Nadler, Schiff – IOTW Report

‘It’s All Nonsense’: Bongino on New Claims From Top Democrats Nadler, Schiff

FOX: Fox News contributor and author Dan Bongino responded Monday to top House Democrats Jerrold Nadler and Adam Schiff accusing President Trump of obstructing justice and colluding with Russia.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Nadler, who would oversee any impeachment proceedings, said Sunday he will send more than 60 document requests to the White House and Justice Department.

“It’s very clear that the president obstructed justice,” Nadler told ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos.

Meantime, in a separate interview, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Schiff said he believes there is “direct evidence” of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russians in 2016.

“That is something that we will have to await Bob Mueller’s report and the underlying evidence to determine. We will also have to look at the whole body of improper and criminal actions by the president including those campaign finance crimes to determine whether they rise to the level of removal from office,” said Schiff.

Bongino said Democrats should learn a lesson from what happened to Republicans in the 1990s when impeachment proceedings were brought against President Bill Clinton and backfired politically.

“We live in a post-fact society now when it comes to the Democrats,” he said on “Fox & Friends,” accusing Democrats of continuing to “double down” regardless of the lack of evidence.

Bongino scoffed at the notion that there is evidence of collusion.

“Here’s why he’s doing this now. There’s a reason. The Michael Cohen hearing was devastating for them. He was their star witness. … And what did he do? … He said the key component of their entire case – that Cohen was in Prague to coordinate whole conspiracy with Russians – Cohen said it wasn’t true. He’s their star witness, not Trump’s and he decimated the entire collusion hoax,” he argued.

He agreed that Democrats are now looking past the Mueller probe’s conclusions, expecting it to be a “soft landing,” and planning for new investigations into financial crimes and other matters.      Watch

15 Comments on ‘It’s All Nonsense’: Bongino on New Claims From Top Democrats Nadler, Schiff

  1. “direct evidence” of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russians in 2016.”

    Is collusion a crime? I’m reading very edumicated people saying it’s not. Trey Gowdy says it’s not. If that’s the case, whats the deal?

  2. If we are going to investigate something, instead of investigating a billionaire that is giving up a billionaires lifestyle, and putting his entire family at risk in order to serve his country, and for zero pay I might add. We should be investigating politicians that have been receiving $150,000-$180,000 per year and amassed a fortune of tens of millions and even hundreds of millions of dollars over their career. Let’s look at their tax returns, let’s investigate every fucking phone call they ever made. It’s past time to fight this war!

  3. The dumbassacrats, by way of Mulear’s special council, have been trying to bust Trump for over two years. Now, since special council didn’t find anything, Shiffty and Nadler want more time and money for additional research. I say fine, but they will be too involved with this second investigation to conduct the people’s business, they should not receive a pay check until they are back full time on the people’s business and any expenses they incur should come out of their own pockets.

  4. Through false claims of collusion, two years of a golden parachute for Mueller and his handpicked democrat investigators, a complicit media, feckless FBI, cries of impeachment and the corrupt DOJ; the democrats have successfully shielded the crimes of the DNC, Obama, Clapper, Comey, Susan Rice, Hillary and Bill Clinton (and many other establishment operatives).

    Look squirrel! Attack, after baseless attack. Collusion, Tax returns, Racist, Stormy Daniels, the Wall, and most contemptuous two scoops of ice cream as a dessert and just a few of the DNC and media onslaught.

    Yes, there was no collusion between Russia and the Trump Campaign, yet the above criminals are still free of any grand jury, indictment or prosecution. It appears that corrupt government, criminal enterprises, destruction of evidence, perjury, breaking laws, pay to play kickbacks and seditious acts, are not punishable, if you are the powerful rich democrat socialist elite with highly placed political operatives in the DOJ, FBI and many other agencies to feed tantalizing stories to the complicit media and their spin doctors.

    There’s always another “look squirrel” to diffuse, deflect and dissuade honest investigations away from the real crimes.
    The DOJ and FBI have willingly abdicated their role and duties.
    Who in those agencies still display professionalism and integrity?

  5. @Bad_Brad
    Collusion is not a crime. That’s why they are trying to impeach – not indict. Impeachment is a political tool and indictments are legal resolutions. Whether he colluded or not is not the point. The goal is to raise enough stink to get enough votes to impeach. This is an effort to undo the 2016 election – not an effort to get justice.

  6. The collusion is from within and around (MSM) (DOJ) (etc) the democratic party in their shady efforts to bring down an elected President of the United States. They have been unable to stop crying over their loss and are still bitter and angry. Next time they should put more effort in running a viable person and not a wounded criminal politician that can only bad mouth her opposition non-stop.

  7. It all hangs on the new AG. If he is a rat like the rest then we’re screwed. I don’t have high hopes, every time someone comes along that we think is going to take a strong stand we’re left disappointed.

  8. Leftists are like the lunatic conspiracy theorists, they from a conclusion then go looking for evidence to support it.

    And anything they find, no matter what it is, is claimed to support it even when it doesn’t.

  9. What’s holding Nadler together now? He was in the Chris Christie fat department not too long ago. Did we pay for something he’s not telling us?
    I want answers on the previous presidency. Who, What, Where, When, and Why for starters. Eight years go by and not a drop of information as to who the man is, where he came from. And by now most personal histories of presidents are known.


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