It’s All Smoke And Mirrors: The Reality Of The Left’s Electric Vehicle Future – IOTW Report

It’s All Smoke And Mirrors: The Reality Of The Left’s Electric Vehicle Future

Blue State Conservative:

With Ten Dollar a Gallon Joe’s gas reaching for the Left’s price-point G-Spot, the Twitter-titter of giggling schoolgirls is filling the echo chamber with the glories of Electric vehicles (EVs).

We’ve covered this dozens if not hundreds of times. Electric cars have a huge carbon footprint no matter how you charge them (though, if it’s not hydro or nuclear, it’s less green). The front and back end of an Electric car battery’s life is nasty and contrary to the stated goal; lowering the amount of ‘CO2’ released into the atmosphere. That’s a useless exercise, as is allowing the government to continue to believe that what it wants to do would make any difference. Progressive Energy policy is all the proof you need of that, of which no small part is EVs.

In the past, Lithium mining, transport, processing, and disposal have been something of a headliner. Another is the manufacturing process to create these huge batteries, their transport, and eventual disposal. more

31 Comments on It’s All Smoke And Mirrors: The Reality Of The Left’s Electric Vehicle Future

  1. It’s all one big money laundering scheme much like the California bullet train to nowhere. Our infrastructure can’t begin to handle thousands much less hundreds of thousands or millions of electric cars.


  2. Funny how globalists think global with their big global brains, but when it comes to a global issue like CO2, as they claim affects the entire planet, as long as CO2 isn’t created in their backyard that equals a reduction of GHG.

  3. Thinking outside the box, we don’t call gas powered cars Fire Cars or Small Explosion powered cars. They are gas powered cars. In the same way so-called electric cars are actually rare-earth mineral powered cars. In fact all of the so-called “renewables” are only “renewable” to the extent there is a never-ending supply of the actual power source: rare earth minerals.

  4. Canuck Prices:

    Toyota Camry LE – 4 cyl Gas = $27,500 + Tax etc.
    Hybrid Camry = $34.590 + tax etc.
    Toyota Mirai = Hydrogen Electric (Who Knew) $55,000 Quebec & BC only
    Toyota Electric = bZ4X = due in 2023 = $45,000 Canadian Estimate

    Tesla – $60,000 base Model 3 OR $69,000 Long range

    $45,000 – $27,500 = $17,500 + 13% tax = $19,775 Extra to go with all electric Toyota.

    $60,000 – $27,500 = $32,500 + 13% tax = $36,725 extra for the cheapest Testicle.

  5. They never, ever, ever crunch the numbers on filling the world with e-cars. In fact they refuse to. If they did they would understand that it won’t work.
    The only numbers they crunch are the profits they can earn on ‘carbon credits’.

  6. There are myriad problems with the idea of mass consumer electric vehicles, some safety, some political, some environmental, some economic, and some having to do with manufacturing; but to keep the informational insanity to a minimum, let’s talk about the practicalities of the things as they’ve been in use for decades and as they stand today.

    The biggest problem with electric cars is energy storage. There’s no nice way to do it without toxic and dangerous chemicals and rare earths from countries that hate us, and these are also heavy so you waste a ton of energy just lugging your energy storage around.

    I’ve worked with automated guided vehicles (AGVs) in a factory setting for many years and several iterations, and I can tell you from experience that battery manufacturers get bored making this or that battery, and it gets ever more costly to make the one that fits your specific vehicle, and eventually they quit making it altogether.

    And it’s very specific to the vehicle. Being a major source of the vehicle’s overall weight, it has to conform in mass and shape to fit the vehicle designed around it, as any changes beyond certain parameters may affect the vehicle’s traction, center of gravity, and other handling characteristics. You also need to deal with the fact that charging them produces explosive gases, that they can leak unpleasant things that can melt your face off, and that you need to be careful about how you charge them as – depending on the SPECIFIC chemistry of your battery, if it’s lead acid, nickel cadmium, nickel metal hydride, lithium ion, etc., it may produce a “memory” and SHARPLY reduce your range if you don’t completely deplete the battery before the next charge.

    How they die can vary too, with Lithium Ion being the worst. A good lithium battery will keep at full voltage until it dies all at once, so volt meters do not work to monitor them properly, you simply know they are dead when your vehicle abruptly powers down. Other types may gradually lose power over time, which is easier to monitor but may start making your electronics act wiggy as they don’t have full power and start to work incorrectly as a result.

    And this is just with INDUSTRIAL vehicles. It’s WORSE in CONSUMER vehicles, because the car is basically built around the battery package, which makes it muy difficil to replace if, say, a single plate separates and makes the whole thing fail, as can happen because IT’S IN A MOVING VEHICLE, and ONLY the OEM will be able to do that for you, so they can pretty much name their price. Also, it has to be pretty, which isn’t efficient, not blow up in a residential garage, which limits your charging options, and at least give you a chance of not dying of toxic gases in the cabin, so your vehicle sealing and venting is going to be an issue as it ages and a bit more critical than in a gasoline engine.

    Plus, they’ve been known to burst into flames in an accident.

    I remember more than once being at an accident scene as a responder and forcing the hood on a smoldering car open, only to find the top post battery for starting the car had both posts touch the hood as a result of the collision, and welded itself to the hood, which makes it pretty heavy and dangerous to open, plus it’s probably in flames at this point, blowing out acidic steam and flaming plastic in random directions as it drips molten lead onto your turnouts. Fun, fun.

    And that’s the old-school, 12v batteries that are only slightly bigger than a toaster.

    Now make that the width of the vehicle, sit on top of it, and have someone slam into your side to see what happens THEN.

    ESPECIALLY entertaining if you have cool features like retractable door handles that don’t work when your electrical system is damaged, so no one can get you out as you slowly start to roast, as has actually happened…


    And that’s BEFORE you get into mood swings in people who make the CHARGERS, and how long the Chinese will make the diode bridge for THAT application is problematic, too.

    …so, for these and many other reasons, I’m not a fan. I haven’t even gotten into the range issues and time you have to be at your destination to charge, but as I tend to do, this is again already too long, so that’s a different subject for another time…

  7. The $55,000 Toyota Hydrogen Fuel Cell car should be a real BLAST!

    Incidentally, In Canuckistan, Propane vehicles are Full Service Only. No self fill ups like the pretty Toyota Picture.


    Energy can be converted to a different form, but any conversion loses energy; no conversion is 100% efficient.

    ALL Energy on planet Earth is courtesy of the Sun. ALL forms, the ones these idiots think are not, ARE. Don’t expect LIARS like Al Gore or sodomists like Pete Gigglesbutt to understand grade school Physics.

    Yes, even ‘fossil fuels’ contain ‘solar’ energy because an unknown process CONVERTED the Sun’s energy to energy stored in those carbon-containing long molecules.

    Gasoline and diesel fuels possess impressive “Energy Density”. My 4500lb Honda Odyssey can take 8 of us on a 375 mile ride using 12ish gallons of gas and when I stop at a Flying J, I pee and gas up in 5 mins and can go 375 miles until the next refueling.

    How efficient the modern internal combustion engine! How sublime the network of refueling stations that exist WORLDWIDE.

    President Trump, the last real POTUS, said it: they hated him, because they hate US. The real oligarch fascists want to cage us and revel in their specialness. Look at raging asshole Bill Gates, their poster child.


  9. Kcir –

    Electric cars by design have many fewer parts compared to a traditional ICE and therefore SHOULD be much cheaper. Unfortunately they need to come up with features to holster cocks and anal lube for the beta males and totally ruins it with a higher price tag.

  10. My canadian stepfather had a Infinity converted to propane. He put as many miles back and forth to have the propane system serviced as he did driving for his work. Ended up selling it and buying a BMW diesel.

  11. Everything should be cheaper except the battery.
    Many of the Cabbies in Toronto have gone back to their 4 cylinder Camry’s vs the Hybrids that they were using.

    The most common reasons were:
    Lost Trunk space due to the Hydbrid system which really screwed them on Airport Drop off calls and Battery replacements allegedly $6,000 (their words)

    If they were full electric, cabbies would starve to death waiting to charge.

  12. Different Tim,

    I’ve been in HVAC service 34 years.
    Natural gas burns Nice & Clean.
    Theoretically Propane should do the exact same thing. Reduce the orifice size & Fire at 11 inch Water Column of Pressure vs Natty Gas at 3.5 inch water Column with a bigger orifice.
    The reality is, The propane units fuck up much more often & often soot up due to tank pressure drop off in severely cold weather. You need more maintenance etc.

    Propane is good for Steaks if you don’t have charcoal.

  13. All the above comments and reasons why electric vehicles suck are true. Electric vehicles do indeed suck.

    But there’s another reason for their utter unworkability not mentioned. If youj transfer the amount of gas/diesel energy used today for vehicular travel into the amount of energy needed over the electric transmission and distribution grid, the grid’s capacity comes up short. And not just a little short. Even if the greenies succeed in forcing us ordinary individuals into cutting our vehicular travel in half, it would take TRILLIONS of dollars to beef up the grid enough to handle the millions of additional charging hookups. AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN.

  14. “Everything should be cheaper except the battery.”

    A few of the Tesla models have incorporated the battery into the Chassis. Great idea for performance, low center of gravity and all, however I can’t imagine replacing a chassis is going to be cheap.

  15. “The current, undesirable laws of physics only exist because right wing extremists refuse to believe in a better set of laws of physics!!!… (sob!)…”

    – The typical fucktarded, solipsistic, brain-dead, climate cult asshole.

  16. @SNS: I’ve been wondering what’s going to happen to one of Ford’s new electric F150s the first time it bounces down hard on a pointy rock and shorts the huge battery… off road… out in the middle of nowhere.

  17. I remember when the horseless carriage was unvailed, this reminds me of a similar attitude towards the EV. Green, environment, CO2, what, republicans don’t give a damn, unless your bastardizing facts. Burst into flames, I have a particular person in mind, no not Joe but….

  18. I’d like them to be asked the best-case time frame for doing all the preparation for full EV acceptance and ask how we consumers are supposed to wait for years while gas and everything else escalates without plotting an overthrow.

  19. Listen up people!
    When yer hauling around all that battery (anywhere from a half-ton to a ton in the Ford Raptor) in an electric car, yer driving around what amounts to a luxurious Tow Motor!
    You gotta be outside yer mind to think that’s the solution for the future!

  20. BTW – a 90KW/hr Tesla battery is equal to about 2.67 gallons of gasoline which weighs 6.1Lbs.
    So 16.3Lbs V.s. 1200Lbs of fuel is where we’re at here at this point in the 21st century.
    It’s not even close Kids!
    Aaaaaaaaannnnnd oh by the way… we cleaned up our coal plants, our air and our water decades ago!
    Let China, Russia, India and South America come up to OUR standards before busting our balls over this notion of “Global Warming” and how WE are the bad guys here!
    Like the comparison I made with fuel weight, it’s not even close!!

  21. I rode in a Hydrogen powered taxi in Paris, 2018. Cabby said there were four places to get re-fueled in Paris, at that time. Car was quick like a bat out of hell. Fresh water by product. Heck, if everybody used them all the creeks and reservoirs would be running and full. Might be a real drag to have a wreck and rupture a cell. LOL.

  22. One of the most cogent arguments I’ve read against EV may be found here: XXXXs:// DOTPDF

    Wish I’d been a fly on the wall during that hearing!

  23. The sad thing is there is an excellently cheap, sustainable domestic solution that drastically reduces carbon emissions ( if you’re into that I don’t buy anthro-GW myself) for more effectively than electric with far less infrastructure issues. It’s converting vehicles to LNG. Ibwas blown away when I arrived in Japan in the 80’s and saw all the taxis (almost half the city’s cars at the time) were LNG. Run fast, strong range, cheaper even though all imported there and greatly reduced Tokyo smog. Not done mostly likely here to support Green BS and ethanol. If we ever got serious that is THE US solution. Conversion is not expensive. New Gas station infrastructure not free but much cheaper than electric overall.


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