It’s all they have left: Hollywood crybaby wants to incite violence if Trump fires Mueller – IOTW Report

It’s all they have left: Hollywood crybaby wants to incite violence if Trump fires Mueller


David Simon, creator of HBO’s famed crime drama The Wire, suggested that those who oppose Donald Trump should “pick up a goddamn brick” if the president fires special counsel Robert Mueller.

“If Donald Trump fires Robert Mueller and is allowed to do so, pick up a goddamn brick,” Simon tweeted Monday. “That’s all that’s left to you.”

The 57-year-old writer-producer — whose credits also include the HBO drama Treme and the upcoming series The Deuce — continued to taunt social media users who accused him of inciting violence.  more here

18 Comments on It’s all they have left: Hollywood crybaby wants to incite violence if Trump fires Mueller

  1. Okay, consider this my post of the shooting incident in DC. Because we can no longer have civil discourse and/or have our elected officials do the jobs they were elected to do…

    They ain’t gonna be happy till they get a shooting war going and what they fail to realize is that their side doesn’t know which end of the barrel the bullet comes out of. That and the fact that the cops and security will be there in time to draw chalk outlines.

    Once again, just when you think you can’t become any more jaded or disgusted by the turds in the punch bowl of life, they prove you wrong…

  2. Any Mouse; The problem is, the federal government would side with the leftists. Because the leftists side with the federal government. The media would portray it as right-wing terrorist violence rather than some sort of Civil War. The federal government would send out The National Guard to “stop the violence” but in actuality, what they would be doing is helping the leftists.

  3. Simon says…well, not “says” but sure as hell implies, “I will pick up a brick, a lethal weapon, in order to cause you grievous bodily harm or death.” We all know what to do with a person who makes such a credible, immediate threat.


    Left-Wing Twitter Celebrates Shooting of Rep. Scalise
    ‘That KKK fucker deserved it’

    Jun 14, 2017

    No sooner did news break that a gunman shot Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) were left-wing Twitter users celebrating the attack — in which two Capitol Police were also shot, as well as a congressional staffer, and possibly more.

    Activist and media personality, Tariq Nasheed, appeared to indicate support for the shooting on Twitter

    Author Malcom Harris, “joked”(?) that the shooter may have simply been acting in self-defense:

    Twitter user “Leon Trotsky” wrote that Scalise’s shooting was “karma” for his “tea bag” beliefs:

    Twitter user “Charles Oakley” wrote that “the KKK fucker deserved it”:

    Technology writer WaltIsFrozen said the attack will have a “silver lining” if the shooter was indeed targeting Republicans specifically:

    “RestlessNews” created a meme that suggested the attack is the definition of “karma”:

    Other left-wing Twitter users said they hoped this shooting would encourage Scalise to rethink his support for gun rights — as he’s a “whore” for the NRA:

    Others tried to use the atrocity as an excuse to make jokes about health-care reform:

    Others suggested the Scalise shooting was justified owing to the congressman’s beliefs:

    UPDATE: The shooter, identified as James T. Hodgkinson, appears to be a Bernie Sanders fan. His Facebook page reads, “Democratic Socialism in Three Words: ‘We the People.'”

    One of his most recent posts says, “Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.” [sic]

    “I want Bernie to Win the White House.” he wrote Aug. 12th, 2016. “Bernie is a Progressive, while Hillary is Republican Lite. … Bernie is the Only Candidate in Decades that Really Cares about the Working Class.” [sic]

  5. We put up with 8 years of Obama without any kind of this shit, IIRC. Trump has been President less than 8 months, and these left wing pussies are already snapping. It’s kind of funny, the left snaps, uses a gun, which they ALL want the possession of to be outlawed, and yet there are no calls for more gun regulations. Yet.

    If anybody on the right had sent tweets of hatred about Obama, the left would have n=gone berserk calling for the execution of whoever sent the tweet, but someone on the left sends a hate tweet about Trump, and it’s business as usual.

    BFH is right; Shitpickles, shitpickles everywhere.

  6. There’s no doubt the man knows violence and given his stature and notoriety this could pretty easily be construed as inciting violence particularly with the track record of his fans/followers and their comments. If the cops had any balls they’d cuff him up to face a judge. Maybe the SS will put a stop to this sort of riot inducing tweeting by the left.

  7. And if Mueller continues, who’s going to pick up a brick?

    Throw your brick, asshat. Be ready for what comes next

    The fearful thunder of crickets.
    Because “That’s not who we are.”

    The American Conservative and the Not A Nazi German. Should anyone else miss you, when you finally get what you wished for?

  8. Careful what you wish for ass wipe. If the dems get away with ending the careers of innocent people, there’s nothing stopping them for going after you. Republicans can then do you in, even though you’ve done nothing wrong except demand other innocent people be railroaded for political reasons. Think about that you brain dead ass hole.

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