It’s America for the Commoners! Get Used to It, Wokies! – IOTW Report

It’s America for the Commoners! Get Used to It, Wokies!

American Thinker-

By Christopher Chantrill

I noticed Jonah Goldberg last week checking the altimeter in his spiral dive as he wondered why everyone is so angry if we’ve been having a “Super-Decade.”

Maybe you don’t know what’s going on, Jonah, but James Delingpole thinks The 2010s were the Twilight of the Elites. By the way, level the wings before you pull back on the stick.

So I am here to tell the confused elites what is really going down. You readers may agree with me, if you like.

The modern era started with the Rise of the Bourgeoisie. The folks that were transforming the world with manufacturing and commerce decided to change the rules of the feudal system and bring the absolute monarchs to heel. Hey, if you snooties wanted to use the credit system to finance your wars, we propose a constitution and a separation of powers to keep you dukes in check.

Then came the Rise of the Educated Gentry. What, they said? You expect us to go into the counting houses of our fathers and soil our educated hands with bills of exchange and listen to angry customers? You must be joking! We defy the fathers and their patriarchy! We demand a dictatorship of the proletariat — led by us — to bend the arc of history towards justice!

Now comes the Rise of the Commoners. Yes, the Educated Gentry felt so good, fighting for the workers, minorities and women. But there was a cost; there always is. To help those helpless victims, real and fake, the Educated Gentry needed an enemy, because all politics is about Us and Them. As St. Saul wrote: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Initially that target was the rich, the corporations, the banks, the bourgeoisie, but now it is racist-sexist-homophobes, toxic masculinity, white supremacists, deplorables.

So right now the Enemy of the Educated Gentry is Commoners: ordinary people just trying to get on with their lives, to get a job, a wife, a family, a home. Nothing personal, you understand! It’s just the internal logic of any politics. If the Gentry are going to use the force of government to change the world, they are going to need an enemy to fight. read more

13 Comments on It’s America for the Commoners! Get Used to It, Wokies!

  1. Jonah Goldberg’s views are typical of a pampered upbringing where he’s never experienced the pressures of life so common to most.
    He shapes his opinions by observing the crowd from his perch above.
    Now days with his opinion’s waning popularity he refuses to accept that he has it all wrong, it must be that the rest of us are just too ignorant to understand.

  2. Never did much care for Goldberg, he went to a women’s college, for Christ sake.
    He could have gone anywhere with his finances and background, he picked Goucher, a recently coed woman’s college, that should tell you a LOT.
    It’s easy being the big stud in a little pond full of women.
    I don’t know how the momma’s boy can even talk, with that silver spoon in his mouth.
    He advertises himself as a conservative, I don’t see it.

  3. The elite are making fools of themselves trying to stay in power. They really do think us Commoners are stupid. Trump is a rich Commoner and they hate that he is POTUS.
    My concern is who will take his place in 5 years.

  4. @OTD:

    Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.

    — H.L. Mencken

    It’s easy to find an appropriate quotation from Mencken for just about any occasion. This one, my very favorite Menckenism, is always appropriate for all occasions!

    Another great aphorism source is Joe Sobran.

  5. the dirtball JANUARY 1, 2020 AT 2:00 AM

    Would that it be true, but he has his progeny to take over…

    Perhaps the “America First” to become real enough to generate the respect or fear (I’d accept either) around the world

  6. @Beachmom January 1, 2020 at 7:31 am

    > They really do think us Commoners are stupid. Trump is a rich Commoner and they hate that he is POTUS.

    I… I just can’t… even.

    (Don’t feel left out, “and the rest.” You’re all on Gilligan’s Aisle.)


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