It’s America’s business’: Ted Cruz shoots back after Pennsylvania attorney general tells him to ‘stay the hell out of’ state’s vote counting – IOTW Report

It’s America’s business’: Ted Cruz shoots back after Pennsylvania attorney general tells him to ‘stay the hell out of’ state’s vote counting


Sen. Ted Cruz shot back at Pennsylvania’s Democratic attorney general for telling him to “stay out of” the state’s disputed tabulation of presidential election votes.

“When you’re breaking the law, ignoring court orders, counting ballots in secret & threatening to steal the presidency, it’s not ‘PA’s business,’” the Texas Republican tweeted Friday.

Cruz appeared on Fox News with Sean Hannity Thursday night, echoing the president’s concerns of voter fraud and an overall impropriety in several states with close election results as the country enters its third day without a declared winner.

“I am angry,” Cruz tweeted along with a clip from the appearance. “The American people are right to be angry. We need observers. Now.” read more

19 Comments on It’s America’s business’: Ted Cruz shoots back after Pennsylvania attorney general tells him to ‘stay the hell out of’ state’s vote counting

  1. Angry? Thoroughly disgusted and irate! Trump has been predicting this for a few months now, why does he seem unprepared for stopping it from happening? And the AOC block of the libs, wanting a list of Trump supports so they can extract their revenge. And the libs that are celebrating an illegal victory. And the rinos that are just fine with this. Thoroughly disgusted and irate!

  2. Trump helps these assholes get reelected and they fuck him in the ass.

    I am a combat vet and all of my ancestors were.

    If Biden is inaugurated, my 24/7 flag comes down forever. I pray for our great vets and first responders but the Constitutional America I believe in dies with a President Fucking Biden.

  3. People communicated and networed just fine for thousands
    of years before the twits and faceboogers tried to take over. The dirty politicians think the silent majority has been locked down from talking and disorganized by their
    slimey minions when in actuality they are like an angry bear being poked with a stick. If the dam breaks on the pent up anger and frustration of millions, there will be no more mild words, just lots of real hell to pay and no easy way outfor the fools who grabbed way too far and way too fast.

  4. Evidence. The only thing that counts in a legal solution now is… Evidence.

    There are other solutions, as pointed out by many here.

    But I recommend keeping the horse in the barn for now and let Trump’s lawyers and the patriots on his team win this in court(s). It’s going to take a LOT of patience. And it’s best not to reveal one’s hand or one’s capabilities on the web at the moment. But more Trump rallies are a great idea, especially with lots of trucks and their visible gun racks!

    Keep that horse well-fed, fit and healthy.

  5. Jimmy, I appreciate your calm head..but evidence?

    Like the Mueller evidence?

    Like the Ukraine evidence?

    Like the Trump is a racist evidence?

    Patience? Seriously?

  6. Seriously, Fritz. The evidence will be presented by Trump’s lawyers to the U.S. Supreme Court – a big difference with the Deep State / FBI / DOJ / Congressional crimes which have mostly not seen a courtroom. This one will be wide open for all to see.

    We have no choice but to stop this shit now, and not wait four years.

  7. ^^^ if you say so, Jimmy. We’re on the same side. None of the assholes who beat on Trump for 4 years will be prosecuted. The system is broken.

    I am (seriously) glad that you have faith.

  8. @::::: aka Five Colons – thank YOU and your family for your service.

    I thought the same about our flag flying outside. Time to take it in…And will have to explain it to the crew.

    BUT they know, they understand…

  9. I’m not one of those kooks that claim that the income tax is bull and it’s illegal But would what happens if Joe China is forced on us as the president and all the people who voted for Trump refused to pay income tax? Would there be to so many that it would over load the system? If this obvious in your face cheating doesn’t have any consequences, we are truly F’ed and we are now a country which is run by a ruling class. We should have instigated term limits a long time ago. the only way we can change things is with a Constitutional Convention and correct this error or all the R” Red States, Fly over Country cut off all the oil and food to the coastal ass holes that think that they are smarter and have a right to take care of us dumb hicks. My family and I are Vet’s, what have these ass hole done for our country F em


    Reactionary. All they do is wait for the Eddie Haskel of politics, get screwed, then scream and do nothing.

    Gave illegals driver’s licenses. –NOTHING

    Allowed illegals to be counted in the census. –NOTHING

    Allow blue states to count and count and count. –NOTHING

    College students vote on campus AND send absentee ballot home. Anyone checking this? –NOTHING

    Where have you people been for OH, 30 stinkin’ years? Now look at California, and how many representatives they have in Congress?

    Too late to complain now, where is REAL I.D.?

    Criminals and criminal enablers, that’s the system we have had for a long time.

  11. While Trump was aware of and warned of voter fraud. I have to wonder if the large numbers of people that turned out to attend his rallies seduced him into letting down his guard, thinking his support was so high it would overcome any amount of voter fraud that could be mounted for Biden. Leading him to not be as ready to counter it as is now seen as needed.

    And while Joe is low energy, low accomplishment, mentally impaired, and often confused. I think he also did a good job imitating a bird with a broken wing. Making himself appear weaker than he actually is. Contributing to a sense he was a weaker opponent than someone who manged to be reelected for 47 years deserved.

    Of course Joe’s other large asset help was four years of brain washing by the constant false charges of Trump being a Putin puppet, white supremacist, racist, hateful man, etc. That the weak minded believed.

    I’m trying to hold onto the belief the democrats will fail, and Trump will be sworn in for his second term in office. So yeah, what goes on in Pa. is not just Pa.’s business, it is the nation’s business.

  12. As per the past three and a half years, nothing will come of this. Imagine how President Chlamydia will redecorate the white house. Scrounge up the she-beast’s industrial duty shitter. May need to add sideboards to it. Cynical pragmatist.

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