It’s Appalling – It’s UnAmerican” – Entrepreneur Kevin O’Leary on Ruling Against President Trump and Sons – IOTW Report

It’s Appalling – It’s UnAmerican” – Entrepreneur Kevin O’Leary on Ruling Against President Trump and Sons

“I don’t understand where someone got hurt … What developer doesn’t ask for the highest price valued for any building they built?” O’Leary said.

Predicting an overturn on appeal, O’Leary cautioned against the lasting repercussions this ruling might have on American business.

“It’s not healthy for the country,” he emphasized. “I want this reviewed and appealed and turned over because it’s wrong for everybody that participates.”

He later added, “If this judgment sticks. Every developer must be jailed. They must be found guilty. They must be put out of business. You can’t do this to one another. It’s not about Trump.” more

27 Comments on It’s Appalling – It’s UnAmerican” – Entrepreneur Kevin O’Leary on Ruling Against President Trump and Sons

  1. Hopefully businesses in NY will take heed and flee the decaying big fruit land, after seeing what a biased maggot on a bench can do. Woe to those who will lose their jobs because they work for Trump businesses in NY.

  2. 1. Did the Lender sue Trump? No, a hack attorney did for political lawfare.
    2. Did this corpse-faced judge fine Trump $355 million for a non-crime? Yes he did, but who gets that money??! DOes it go to the lender that never asked for it? Hell no, it goes to NYS, so indirectly, back to that judge and his disgustingly corrupt NY “justice” system. Ethical? Bwahaha.

    Time for mace swinging barbarians to descend on NYC.

  3. Kevin O’Leary, a Canadian citizen, would probably make a damned good PM for Canada. He could be Trump North.

    Or Paul Poilievre, a Canadian who would, from what I’ve read, be 1000 times better than the Trueturd who is currently the PM in the Great White North.

  4. The attacks against President Trump will not keep him from a second term, rather, they are propelling him to a second term as President of the USA.

    It will backfire big time on liberals, socialists, and the effed-up media bigtime. We The People recognize extreme unfair and unbalanced legal “judgements” when we see them.

    TRUMP 2024.

  5. “Well Kevin if you believe him why don’t you put up his $450 million appeal bond, bitch”

    Why would he need to do that? A victimless unfounded crime you obviously approve of. You’re an anti American piece of shit. The appeal is in motion. That so called judge is criminally liable for extortion and Grand Theft. You need to move to China. Unless that’s where you already are.

  6. Overturned on appeal? Read the judges ruling 1st. This is someone who spent a lifetime flaunting laws that everyone else has to follow except him. He will lose this appeal & the next. State charges, 2 appeals in New York state on these types of cases. The Supreme Court has no jurisdiction over these state charges. Interest on his judgment accumulates during the appeals process if he loses on both appeals this judgment can end up being over $450 million dollars.

  7. ^^^^^^
    You are full of shit Litard boy.

    Once again, “That so called judge is criminally liable for extortion and Grand Theft”
    The altered New York State Law in order to bring this to trial. It was a victimless crime. The judge lied about property value. There was a single family dwelling 2 miles down the beach that appraised for more than what the accountants had listed. The judge pre determined the outcome before the trial. Do you think this is justice asshole? Is this the America you want to live in?
    “This is someone who spent a lifetime flaunting laws”
    Name them, you can’t. Your TDS is affecting your ability to reason. Or yo like many wars and off the hook inflation, an open border of invaders. Maybe you just hate my country.

  8. Victimless says a MAGAott, dweb he wouldn’t be in a court if it was,fool! Tax cheat, loan cheat, cheated contracts & contractors 26 women claim him of sexual assault, you name it he as cheated a lifetime at the con game. But hell you focks love your conman, everyone else no so much. His con game is coming to a close.

  9. Moving the Goal Posts I see.

    Who was the victim in this particular law suit ass hole?
    By the way the rest are all fabricated too. The mans a threat to the deep state. You never answered my last question. How do you like the three new wars and runaway inflation dip shit?

  10. Newsflash asshole it is my country. Come take it from me pussy.

    “Assholes like you think laws don’t apply & but do apply only when you need em.”

    And you apply laws unjustly only to people you dislike. That’s why it’s my America. The founders are on my side.
    Never answered how you like three new wars and run away inflation.

  11. Who’s the victim? New York State.
    God you are not up on this lawsuit. Your not alone here either. Alina Habba was out of her league on this. Traffic court or ambulance chasing is in more with her qualifications. He only hires the best ambulance chasers.
    500 million in fines & judgments 500 million in legal fees, but oh yeah this was nothing. See sometimes the only way to make a rich person follow & RESPECT the laws of our land is to hit them in the ole pocket book. His way of life created way too many enemies. His foul fucking mouth created even more.

  12. Who’s the victim? New York State.

    New York State would be the victim only from lost tax revenue. That never happened. The Bank got paid, taxes were paid. Again, who’s the victim moron. Your making shit up now.
    Again, how you digging all those war and shy high groceries?

  13. “Soon to be visited in N Cal for another illegal weapons cache.”

    Bring your own body bag. Otherwise I’m just leaving your dead ass out in the field for the buzzards to pick over.

    How do you like those three new wars and out of control inflation? No opinion huh? You’re a worthless piece of shit.


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