It’s April 22nd for crying out loud! – IOTW Report

It’s April 22nd for crying out loud!

I realize that lots of stores are currently closed, but whoever ordered snow for my birthday, where do I return this gift?  It’s April 22nd for crying out loud!

Happy Birthday, Dianny!

24 Comments on It’s April 22nd for crying out loud!

  1. A (probably “Grand”) Solar Minimum going on. This, along with Krakatoa and another large volcano erupting during the last weeks and dumping a huge amount of ash into the Stratosphere. There it will cool things down even more. The farmers better think about planting rye instead of wheat.
    If interested in what might be coming, look at world history during the 1830’s when the last minimum equal to this one starved millions of people over the world.

  2. Entered next phase.

    Now they’re counting everyone who dies in a nursing home as a chinese virus death.
    People die in nursing homes all the dang time.
    It’s another easy source they’re able to fudge numbers for their scam.

  3. Happy Birthday Dianny!
    I hear ya. Mine is this Sunday. Woop woop de do.
    Guess we should be grateful. There is Take out to look forward to. Am thinking Mexican…no maybe we skip it then it doesn’t count.

  4. Had mine over a month ago and had to spend the day sitting home alone which wasn’t enjoyable. My Mom always shows up on my birthday to take me out to eat. Haven’t seen her in over 2 months due to her living in Ontario where they are also on lockdown. Hope you have someone to celebrate the day with. Regardless I’m giving you a long distance thumbs up and I’ll pat my cat on the fanny a couple times to honor the traditional B-day whoopin. 🎉🎊🎂

  5. 1979…On My 16th Birthday…8″ snow in Illinois…I had to wait

    A WHOLE NUTHER WEEK to get My License….1996…Ordered My first ever

    brand new from the Factory Powerquest Boat…Towed it Home in a

    Blizzard…..Happy Birthday Dianny !!!

  6. Happy Birthday, Dianny
    Left an IOTW card in another thread but it disappeared.
    Dunno why? It would have been reposted here but now it’s gone.
    Any ideas?

    PS. It was a Multi-parted, lot of work, finger licker, too.
    Should the link be reposted?

  7. Happy Birthday, Dianny! Snow in April. Yup, it happens! Stay inside and warm!

    Different Tim, happy belated birthday. Remind me next year and I’ll do a BD post for you, k?


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