It’s Been Two Years And Hillary Clinton’s Flint Water Program Is Still Missing In Action – IOTW Report

It’s Been Two Years And Hillary Clinton’s Flint Water Program Is Still Missing In Action


DC: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton collaborated with Flint officials in 2016 to create a program designed to help people find work, but there is little evidence the project was successful, according to an analysis from The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The Flint Water Works initiative was developed to train Flint citizens to distribute water bottles to residents. Clinton championed the program during the 2016 presidential election when she was fending off a surging candidacy from Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. Flint Mayor Karen Weaver supported Clinton’s presidential bid shortly after the initiative was publicized.

Wealthy Democratic donors J.B. and M.K. Pritzker kickstarted Clinton’s initiative with a $500,000 donation. The money was eventually directed toward the Community Foundation of Greater Flint, which received more than $22 million in contributions and grants in 2016 and $3 million in 2015, according to the charity’s tax documents.

Mott Community College was then tasked with using the donation to train nearly 100 of the city’s 10,000 unemployed.

Chelsea Clinton, who collaborated on the project in March of 2016, pushed-back against accusations the jobs program was meant to help her mother’s presidential campaign. Sanders, an Independent and self-described socialist, ultimately won Michigan but lost Flint to Clinton.  Keep reading

10 Comments on It’s Been Two Years And Hillary Clinton’s Flint Water Program Is Still Missing In Action

  1. So let me get this straight..
    22 million to train Hobos to cart water to folks.
    That’s the big idea?
    Mentally ill vagrants bring me my drinking water?
    Must be Chelsea’s idea

  2. I guess Flint can join Haiti and the millions of other “satisfied customers” of Hillary Clinton. She isn’t doing anything constructive, why doesn’t she pack up her hot sauce and go to Flint and volunteer to help out?

  3. FLint: A nuther fine example of decade after decade of democRAT “leadership” resulting in a run-down, shot-up, burned-out, poverty-stricken, crime-ridden, rat-infested, feces-friendly Shit-hole city controlled by corrupt Rat politicians rewarding cronies with public funds, establishing hostile business environments, heavily taxing the most productive citizens, setting up fat pensions for their union friends. Because they “really care” about poor people, they just keep selling them fabricated “Racism”, Hope & Change® snake oil and even more Free Shit every time there is an election. The people aren’t any better off than they were over a half century ago, but it sure has kept democRATs in power who will only be too glad to blame their situation on President Trump now!!


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