“It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Seattle” – IOTW Report

“It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Seattle”

h/t Brad.

12 Comments on “It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Seattle”

  1. How long have I been posting here? Hell, I don’t know, but early on my powers of observation were called into question when I was opining on Seattle having past the tipping point.

    I have been critical of Seattle since maybe the 1970’s and thinking aloud that what I am witnessing is a slow motion train wreck. Since I was a kid I have wondered how it could be that others could not recognize that humoring their late teen and early twenties spoiled rotten fucking bastard punk offspring was only going to lead to this. The idiot culture there has looked at these rotten nasty spoiled little bastards behavior as precocious, smart, cute and funny. It is none of the above.

  2. @JD I moved here in 1987. The greater Seattle area was the most beautiful place I’d ever been. I met great people and had a heck of a lot of fun in my twenties and thirties here. I remember club hopping in Pioneer Square and feeling safe enough to go with friends. Driving across the West Seattle Bridge and being one of a handful of cars on it during my commute. Something changed in the 2000’s. The Califonication took hold from the high tech folks. People got colder beyond the Seattle freeze. It’s so busy now and the political climate is insane. I love my house and we have family here. Not sure what to do-I do know it makes me very sad to no longer be proud of where I live. Now, I feel I need to apologize for what it has turned into.

  3. Illustr8r, my thinking is that I’m still proud to be a conservative in western Washington. I’m not leaving. You’re right, this is a great place to be, and it’s worth it to fight and make this a place we’re proud to call home. Granted it may take a few years, but where can we run to that isn’t going to present the same fight. We can’t keep running, these bastards have to be beaten eventually!

  4. @Joe Yeah. I’m not sure what to do. For us career-wise we can’t be loud proud conservatives in Western WA. We have to remain the silent minority. Retirement might be different in a few years. I don’t know. The anxiety I feel for the state of things is not good for my BP.

    Save money, plan and have a place to run to in Idaho. It was Montana but it’s being overrun by lefties now too. So, in that regard you are right. Where do we go…?


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