It’s Brad Sherman (D-CA)’s turn to drama-queen – IOTW Report

It’s Brad Sherman (D-CA)’s turn to drama-queen

Next thing you know, he’ll be cussin’ up a storm at the town halls.

The Democrat party is peeing on the 3rd rail. Let’s not get in their way. 😁


[That ^ is nature’s photoshop. I am not responsible for that face.]

Anyway, on to the story:  Fellow Democrats denounced Rep. Brad Sherman’s push to impeach Trump.


12 Comments on It’s Brad Sherman (D-CA)’s turn to drama-queen

  1. Some pragmatic Democrats and a few of the rational ones are beginning to realize that this could blow back on them in 2018. I hope they keep beating this dead horse into the ground. At some point, even the better educated Democrats will figure it out. Trump didn’t need the Russians or the Macedonian Content Farmers to get elected. He just needed Hillary Clinton to run against.

  2. This is the new Democrat Party platform designed to fire-up the base: Impeach Donald Trump. It’s all they have now. They can’t win on their ideas. Just remember – 8 freaking years of Blackie Lawless taking them all the way Left, and then some, and they had no mandate from the American People for following-through. The hope for their Queen winning the White House was based solely on the fact that she had a vagina and it was “her turn.” They’re so far to the Left that normal, patriotic Americans appear EXTREMIST to them. They need to be shunned and shamed and told to phuq-off.

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