It’s CCcold – IOTW Report

It’s CCcold

h/t Marooned.

Sea Ice Affects Ships In North China Ports.

IceAgeNow: Temperatures across China have plunged to their lowest in decades, boosting demand for power and fuel to historic highs in the world’s largest energy consumer.

12 Jan 21 – “The sea ice situation is more severe this year than the same period in previous years,” said Wang Jun, a professor specialising in transport issues at Dalian Maritime University.

Expansion of sea ice makes it tougher for ships to berth and discharge at key energy product import terminals along the coast of northern Bohai Bay.

“It could impede sailing and docking for vessels, no matter how big they are.” more

17 Comments on It’s CCcold

  1. It’s obviously Russian disinformation that Putin is using to try to get America to abandon the Paris bullshit global warming treaty.

    Mitch Mcconnell will make sure that China does not take any blame, cause that might hurt he and his good friend Joe Biden’s plans.

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