It’s climate hysterics who are in denial, not skeptics – IOTW Report

It’s climate hysterics who are in denial, not skeptics

American Thinker: Some fascinating news on the climate change front today reveals just how in denial climate hysterics are about reality.  Andrew Bolt, the entertaining Aussie conservative, quotes a 30-year-old pronouncement from the government saying that the Maldives, an island chain in the Indian Ocean, would be underwater by now.

Herald Sun:

They’ve flogged this scare for so long that the truth has caught up.

The Canberra Times 30 years ago:

MALE, Maldives: A gradual rise in average sea level is threatening to completely cover this Indian Ocean nation of 1196 small islands within the next 30 years, according to authorities.

The Environmental Affairs Director, Mr Hussein Shihab, said an estimated rise of 20 to 30 centimetres in the next 20 to 40 years could be “catastrophic” for most of the islands, which were no more than a metre above sea level.

The United Nations Environment Project was planning a study of the problem.

But the end of the Maldives and its 200,000 people could come sooner if drinking water supplies dry up by 1992, as predicted. …

Last week:

Malé International Airport carried out an overall airport expansion at the end of August[.] …

The Maldives is considered one of the most beautiful island countries, attracting more than one million visitors every year.

(Thanks to reader Travis T.)

That’s 0-2 for the hysterics.  Keep Reading

12 Comments on It’s climate hysterics who are in denial, not skeptics

  1. What about the drowned polar bears washing up on the beaches? Why aren’t climate deniers investigating this? Oh…the polar bears we stole from the Artic, drowned and left to drift onto the beaches instead drifted out to sea, so there’s nothing to investigate?

    Never mind.

  2. Remember those libtard idiots that got
    caught in pack ice at the antartic ???
    Several countries lost time in the “weather window”
    for scientific research because they had to rescue
    the climate tards…

  3. I have saved an e-mail from a girl friend’s husband from 2013, stating that global warming will cause the Artic ice to melt within 10 years. I am planning to call him on the same date in 2023 with the current information about the ice caps. FYI, I live in Saskatchewan, Canada. It has snowed since Monday, Oct 1, yesterday, Oct 2 and today, Oct 3. I am now calling Saskatchewan, Canada’s Siberia.

  4. Hell, these aren’t even the worst deniers out there.
    There are actually Flat-Earthers.
    Either they are the most pokerfaced con artists ever or they really believe the Earth is Flat.
    “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.” – Albert Einstein

  5. I see a lot of photos from the Maldives online. They do have very lovely beaches. So I went looking a little more into them and found out they’re muslim majority. LOL.
    Oh well. We have very nice beaches in America, too.

  6. Australia has quite a good national oceanographic department. Their sea level database is available online and is quite extensive as far as historical records extend into the past. I’ve used it in the past when the usual nabobs and chuckle heads blabber on about ‘sea levels rising’.

    It has. A couple of millimeters.

    After showing the devout of The Church of Climate Change the data that shows this, there is usually a period of silence, their eyes oscillate in their sockets, then they change the subject in a most amusing manner.

  7. I’ve never, well at least in my later years, held the “experts” or the “authorities” in high esteem or as being infallible. They may know more than me about a given subject, but I also know that in scientific research often the majority believes some process works in a certain way and they are all wrong. Maybe only one or 2 other people have figured out how the process really works. Often their work is ignored or proactively silenced. I figure I can call BS about a lot of different topics.

    Bad scientific research is magnified and made worse after politicians get their fingers involved. Myths and lies are created that the public comes to believe are facts become even more difficult to correct. There is never a need for a consensus meeting when research agrees. And the CC nutjobs are always going on and on about consensus.

    Consensus meetings are needed / used when a pushy bullying “expert”, who stubbornly clings to his mistaken theory of how nature works, has a pet politician and they both want to use political power to squash different competing theories. Often they think highly of themselves for so doing, they are after all saving the world by their brilliance.

    I’m in process of reading Gary Taubes’s book, Good Calories Bad Calories – fats, carbs and the controversial science of diet and health.

    Wherein he writes about how charismatic personalities can force the acceptance of unproven theories. And gives many examples of how researchers completely ignore the results of their own work, or dismiss the work of others, when the results don’t agree with the answer they want. And how the work of dissenting views are ignored, further research funding withheld and careers destroyed.

    Reading this book it is easy to think about how Climate Change / AGW is using the same same model to push the claims of AGW and the dangers if something isn’t done now.

    Or even surprisingly how the evidence or lack thereof is being used in the Kavanaugh confirmation / destruction process. Just over complicate the issue with witnesses, facts, and half true facts, falsehoods, and delays – till more “facts” will bring clarity.


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