Bongino: It’s Crucial You Vote Republican Down Ballot This Year – IOTW Report

Bongino: It’s Crucial You Vote Republican Down Ballot This Year


3 Comments on Bongino: It’s Crucial You Vote Republican Down Ballot This Year

  1. …voting for any Democrat, anywhere, anytime is a vote for violence and mental illness.

    So of course the violent and the mentally ill will vote Democrat.

    And there’s a LOT of them.

    But Mr. Bongino shouldn’t even have to SAY this to anyone who has eyes and ears. It’s quite manifest what future THEY want for us, and, assuming you’re not a masochist, it is NOT a future you should want for YOURSELF, and CERTAINLY not for your children unless you’re REALLY mad at the little buggers…

  2. I always vote down ballot R. But it doesn’t, it won’t, and it can’t make a G-D difference when you live in Illinois. It pisses me off to no end to see every damn county in this state red with the exception of a handful blue counties. The state is lit up bright red, you have to squint to see the blue.

    But I still try. This year has been the only year in my adult life where I’ve seriously considered not voting because I don’t wanna stand in line with a face diaper. But I will, one more time. Please, please, God, get me out of this shithole corrupt financially and morally bankrupt state before 2022.


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