It’s Hump Day! W00t W00t! – IOTW Report

It’s Hump Day! W00t W00t!

Let us step into the way-back library for a story from the past:

October 19, 2016.

WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton Didn’t Correct ‘Open Marriage’ Label of Her Relationship with Bill.

In private, Hillary Clinton said she was “proud” of her relationship with her “life partner” Bill Clinton when she was asked about her “open marriage” during an event.

The private transcript of Clintons Q-and-A exchange with a parent was included in the Wikileaks release of emails from campaign chief John Podesta’s private email account.

The person asking Clinton the question noted that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump was bad on women’s issues, but that Clinton was perhaps setting a bad example for children by sticking with her husband despite his marital affairs.

“You stay married, people call it an open marriage,” the person asked. “Good example, bad example? Am I totally off base?”  MORE

6 Comments on It’s Hump Day! W00t W00t!

  1. No, some of the days were Hunch Days…

    “And he came in behind me. Started hunching me to the point that he had an orgasm. He’s trying to touch my breasts. And I’m just sitting there very stiffly, just waiting for him to leave me alone. And I’m asking him the whole time, ‘Please do not do this. Do not touch me. Do not hunch me. I do not want this.”

  2. If this Pizzagate thing is real and Sessions get a firm hold of it, the Democrats are finished for good.
    There are two forces in this world, good and evil, which side do you think pedophiles inhabit?

  3. For years, I’ve thought these two pigs and many of their ilk have confused “values” with “morals”–two entirely different things. Anyone can have values; morals and a moral compass require self-discipline and self-restraint (i.e.: abstinence from sex before marriage).

    Truly wish these two and Web’s daughter would just fade into the sunset they see from their cell windows!

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