It’s in the Code: Hanky-Panky in Virginia’s Votes – IOTW Report

It’s in the Code: Hanky-Panky in Virginia’s Votes

American Thinker:

By Nick Chase

Based on Internet blogger “Pede‘s” analysis of “votes switched” from Trump to Biden, and of “votes lost” (thrown away) — mostly votes for Trump, and my own analyses to detect imaginary “votes added” for Biden, I have decided to continue examining states where says ballot fraud occurred in the 2020 presidential election.

“Pede” identified two states — Virginia and Minnesota — where there were hundreds of thousands of “votes lost,” a sure indicator of fraud, even though those states’ votes are not being recounted, nor are there legal challenges. Additionally, AT‘s Andrea Widburg, on November 16 in “There may have been massive voter fraud in Virginia“, noted strange happenings in the vote totals and allocations in the wee hours of November 4. I have read the JSON code provided by the New York Times (see below), and I concur.

Translating the code in the graphic above, we see that at 11:03 PM EST on November 3, total votes were 2,724,165, and Trump had 1,419,290 votes (52.1%), Biden had 1.258,564 votes (46.2%), other candidates had 46,311 votes (1.4%).

Between 11:14 and 11:42 came a big Biden vote dump. At 11:43, when the dump had ended, total votes were 3,368,181, and Trump had 1,512,627 votes (45.8%) and Biden had 1,771,663 votes (52.6%). During this half-hour period when the fraudsters switched the lead from Trump to Biden, Trump gained 93,337 votes (a 6.58% increase), and Biden gained 513,099 votes (a 40.77% increase). That is, there were about 5.5 Biden votes for every Trump vote during this interval. more

h/t MMinAR

10 Comments on It’s in the Code: Hanky-Panky in Virginia’s Votes

  1. We have mountains of evidence but court orders have been ignored already with no consequences. The Georgia “recount” was a complete farce pulled off by the same people that arranged the original farce.

  2. “How can “pristine” non-folded ballots…..”

    I hear talk about these, but I haven’t seen any of them presented for examination.

    If they’re there, they’re there and can be seen. If they’re not there they’re not there and can’t be seen. A hand recount would find them and the counts would change if they’ve been removed.

    So again, show the evidence -the pristine ballots- instead of just talking about it and leaving it up to questions of veracity.

  3. The pristine ballots were shown in news reports.
    One of the filers had video of it and signed an affidavit. Plus, that person has
    witnesses who saw the same.
    Still, as a witness, I wouldn’t expose myself to the media before I went to talk to a judge about it.

  4. This json snippet offer no such proof. There’s no individual counts. They’ll just claim the radio’s are calculated from the individual counts, which are not part of this output.

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