It’s Joe Biden’s scandal now – IOTW Report

It’s Joe Biden’s scandal now

Sebastian Gorka with Grant Stinchfield on Newsmax.

15 Comments on It’s Joe Biden’s scandal now

  1. The Russian disinformation and distraction are getting so bad that CNN will have to put their best man on this story. Yes, Jeffrey Toobin is coming back to the job as soon as he can pull himself together. He will bring a mature, steady hand to this debate. Dozens of people will tune in, mostly to see how he handles himself.

  2. It’s not so much an issue of legalities as it is an issue of allegiance to your own country. Obviously, Joe Biden can be bought. Second obvious observation is that Democrats don’t care. Which is worse?

  3. Par for the course for pretty much anyone in CONgress, they’ll all bought an paid for, if not by the CCP, then by the Chamber of Commerce. The last thing they are going to do is investigate one of their own, the only solution is term limits.

  4. “Jeffrey Toobin is coming back to the job as soon as he can pull himself together. He will bring a mature, steady hand to this debate. Dozens of people will tune in, mostly to see how he handles himself.”

    Marco, I laughed so hard my dinner nearly came up. Well done!

  5. I used to be a huge fan of Sebastian Gorka. I would make jokes on another site about how his voice shouldn’t even be legal.

    But after he ejected Owen Shroyer from CPAC and then the following day sucked up to Ian Walters of the ACU and laughed about it on air, he’s toast as far as I am concerned. It was really nasty what he did and how he did it.

    So he’s all concerned about social media censoring conservatives? Really, Gorka? You sure did a number on Shroyer, ya fekking hypocrite.

  6. Buffoons like Gorka never quite seem to get the concept that what goes around, comes around. Oh, oh, oh, my Twitter account, lol.

    BTW, for those of you who might not be aware, there’s a battle going on for the soul of conservatardism, uh, I mean cuckservatism, oops, I did it again. Anyway, Charlie Kirk and Gorka and others want to be the gatekeepers so bad it hurts. AS IF!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Margot: It’s a slippery slope when commenting on Jeffrey Toobin’s slight of hands. I think it’s too early to assume that CNN won’t try to wash their unclean hands of their favorite liberal legal dissembler. However, the latest news from Huma Abedin is encouraging. She’s reluctantly willing to surrender the name used by her disgraced husband, Anthony Weiner. Carlos Danger Toobin has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?


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