It’s Just You. – IOTW Report

It’s Just You.

Good gravy. The White House is an assisted living community.

15 Comments on It’s Just You.

  1. lol RogerF that geezer ducktail of his…I’ll hold him down while you shear him. His hair has always been a wreck, though, and the plugs didn’t help one bit.

  2. @RogerF Yep, he’s got that old man hair. Hanging down too far in back and sticking out away from his neck like it doesn’t want to touch his creepy crepey skin.

  3. Doesn’t make sense.
    I’ve been off work since monday.
    Small engine mechanic and it’s July. Should have a consistent 2 to 3 week backlog of customers equipment waiting for repairs.
    Not this year.
    Wonder what’s changed?

  4. Who got $8000? At the current price of what gas was today at my local store, $3.69, I’m paying $1.80 more per gallon at that store than I was on the day this bastard was sworn in. I have the picture on my phone to prove it, I took it that day so I could remember what it was.

    My electric rates just went up 30% since last month, my bill this month was double what it was last year, yes the A/C has been running more than last year, because it’s hotter this year, but I looked at my bill last year and the kilowatt per hour is actually 55% more than it was last year.

    I don’t buy that many groceries, because we grow and raise most of our food, but what groceries I do buy is double what it was last year at this time and that’s after it was already higher than it was when this dumbass was sworn in.

    I had to buy new tires last month and almost stroked out at how much they cost, almost double what they cost me the last time I bought a set.

    Feed for my animals is through the roof. 2 years ago, one type of feed I buy was $7.95 a bag, the other day that same bag cost me $13.95, another type of feed was $13.90 a bag, it is now $22.90 a bag. A square bale of hay 2 years ago I was paying $5/bale, this year it’s $9/bale. Same guy I’ve been buying it from for years, but thanks to the cost of diesel and the increase in price for wire he had to raise his prices.

    So even if I had gotten $8000, which I didn’t, that would have all been wiped out long ago for the increase in price of all the shit I have to have.


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