It’s not a boycott; it’s participating in the free market. – IOTW Report

It’s not a boycott; it’s participating in the free market.

Patriot Retort:

The Super Bowl is coming up sometime soon. This weekend maybe? Help me out. Is it this weekend? And Lady Gaga is set to perform in the halftime show.

Then, at the end of this month, Hollywood is fixing to hold the 89th Academy Awards show.

Both the Super Bowl and the Academy Awards belong to the “Entertainment Industry.”

But they haven’t been very entertaining lately, have they?

Their sanctimonious lecturing and social justice posturing have grown very tiresome over the last couple years.

And loads of people are planning to boycott both because they’re sick of expending time and energy just to be insulted, attacked and lectured by people who are supposed to be entertaining them.

Personally, I don’t like the word boycott. Seems kinda Leftie to me.

So I don’t think of it as a boycott; I think of it as being an active participant in the free market.

The question I always ask myself is “Do I want to waste my time and money on this?”

If the answer is no, then I don’t.

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22 Comments on It’s not a boycott; it’s participating in the free market.

  1. Agreed. It’s not a boycott, I have absolutely no interest and haven’t watched a pro-game all season. I have sh..tuff to do.

    I don’t have to time to waste on the national FUBAR league or what comes out of the bottom of a Clydesdale while players don’t stand for the National Anthem.

    I’ll be watching whatever is on the western channel.

  2. I’m with you on the terminology issue and am also a nonconsumer and nonparticipant for many companies, products and events. How to communicate that effectively to others is an issue.

    words like ‘boycott’ are so gender insensitive. Maybe there needs to be a ‘girlcott’ or ‘transcott’ every so often.

  3. I kind of kick myself in the ass about it, but I am a Patriots fan so I’m interested in the game. The stinking nfl damn sure pisses me off though. Go Belechick, Go Brady, Go Patriots.

  4. Joe, I’d be watching, maybe I will. Screw the politics and watch the sport. Turning the channel during ladie gagger should do the trick. And yes go Pats. I get behind teams that have my favorite atheletes. Payton Manning was number one, Tom Brady number two.

  5. Why watch the Super Toilet Bowl for more leftist shit? Do America and yourself a favor. Turn it off. The NFL will eventually figure out we don’t want to blend politics with entertainment. The election is over. Move on. I don’t want to fill the family room with old friends,who are still hurting, and have to put up with triggering ads.

  6. @joe6pack @badbrad.

    I’m with you. Pats were the worst of the worst in 1990 when I moved to New England. It’s been fun to watch them grow into the envy of the NFL. The more hate they receive, especially from the commish, the more I like them. Brady already has a Super Bowl ring for his thumb, index finger, ring finger and pinky finger. He needs one for his middle finger.

    I’ll do my best to avoid being lectured during commercial breaks and halftime, but I’m not going to be able to not watch the actual game.

    Any other teams playing I could skip entirely.

  7. Bad_Brad, check out Training Day, the
    series. 1st episode wasn’t bad, I have hope
    for it. I LOVED the movie also.
    I’m gonna do my taxes tomorrow morning when
    it airs here and plan to be home before the
    drunks come out at noon after the game.

  8. I think Belechick is great, reporters try every angle they can come up with in a press conference to get anything worth printing from the guy and he gives them nothing. And he is a ruthless competitor. Who else would have replaced a damn good quarterback in Drew Bledsoe with an unheard of 6th round draft choice who ends up being the the best quarterback of all time. As much as I like Brady, it’s Belechick that makes the Patriots.

  9. PHenry,
    Pats just DONT quit. Top down. I’ve been watching them since the late 90’s. A great winning organization. Best Quarter Back ever, Peyton Manning. That’s coming from a recovering 49er fanatic.

  10. If people new what the voting process is for the oscars, they wouldn’t put so much stock in it. I new a production designer when I lived out there. Hollywood knows vote buying and “fakedness” all too well. That’s why they loves them some demoncrats.

  11. The Stupor Bowl because it’s usually sanitized and boring. What no foot of snow and 40 mph winds.

    I confess to watching a few games this season to see well-muscled men in tight pants. Ahhhh the tight ends.

  12. We’re cleaning the litter box that night so I don’t think we’ll watch. Everything on television that is supposed to be entertainment has turned into a venue for the participants to spout off with their political views, usually leftist in nature.
    I really don’t care what some overpaid athlete or actor thinks about anything if the reason I’m watching them is to be entertained. Talk about privilege, be it white or black.

  13. So far, I am free to choose NOT to watch or listen to things I disagree with, or dislike, such as anything touted by petty, lying, radical liberals. (Any wonder they love the radical Islamists? Brothers in arms of the same body: Unthinking, doctrine brainwashed or bribed, minions of radical, elitists who sit back after setting fires and laugh their butts off).

    So, I am free to watch the game, changing channels during commericials or any political comments or actions. Don’t you just love remote controls?

  14. I don’t get it. I watched football for years but it gets old. If you’ve seen one 100 yd run or one fifty yard pass or one 60 yard field goal, or one interception you’ve seen them all.
    A film from a 60’s game looks pretty much like a 2016’s game.
    And the long haired, tatted prima donna players make me sick.
    The last player I admired was Joe Montana.

  15. We will be watching the game but changing the channel during halftime. I’ve been a Falcons fan since they came to Atlanta, even had season tickets for a while. Definitely not a fair-weather fan. 🙂


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