It’s not about Charity; it’s about Power – IOTW Report

It’s not about Charity; it’s about Power

Patriot Retort: You may not know this, but one of my favorite movies of all time is “The Silence of the Lambs.”

Nobody will watch it with me because I know the lines by heart and have an obnoxious habit of whispering them under my breath as the characters say them.

Huh. I never made the connection before. But maybe that’s why I’m single.

Any old how.

I want you to watch this clip from “The Silence of the Lambs:”

First principles, Clarice. Simplicity. Read Marcus
Aurelius. Of each particular thing, ask what is it in
itself? What is its nature? What does he do, this
man you seek?
He kills women.

No. That is incidental. What is the first and
principle thing he does? What needs does he serve by

Now, with regard to pearl-clutching and sniffy, weepy moaning about “separating families,” you’ll forgive me while I play the part of Hannibal Lecter.  MORE

16 Comments on It’s not about Charity; it’s about Power

  1. Of each particular thing, ask what is it in itself? What is its nature? What do they do, these left-collectivists you seek to understand?

    They seek power.

    No. The power is incidental. What is the first and principle thing they do? What needs do they serve by having and wielding that power?

    Power is a means to an end. What’s the end here?

  2. For the godless, power is not just another means to an end. It LOOKS like it, but it isn’t. It IS the end. Orwell nailed that with the “boot stamping on a human face, forever” line.

    Power is the ultimate end in itself because it alone lets the wicked realize self as “God” above everyone whom they can control. With power comes wealth, and no end to willing distractions to shut out of mind the God Who Is. Meanwhile, at your command people will live or die, or anything in between that you can force them to do. There’s no greater earthly high than that. Everything else – money, possessions, prestige, sex – comes as a result of attaining power but nothing spells G-O-D like power itself.

    But the Lake of Fire was made for just such people.

  3. It’s a mental disturbance. Some of them think they’re a god.

    I laugh at these dictators you see all over the world.
    Keeping the people down, shitty landscape, no roads, people dying, starving… And they’re still trying to take land from the nation next door.
    They’re just nuts.

  4. It’s an extremely hard thing to understand if you’ve never sought that kind of power for yourself. Most of us would never seek it; we would consider it a nightmare existence.

    I was watching Citizens United’s film “Hillary” (the one that got banned from theaters) last night. Many of clinton’s character witnesses said the identical things about her; chiefly, that she wanted that kind of ultimate power for herself. She saw her husband attain it and she wanted it for herself. And, like any good Lefty, she was and is willing to do absolutely anything to get it. Got news for anyone who thinks they are a progressive collectivist: They’re not into you, pal. When it comes down to it, pinnacle power is ruthlessly guarded by the one who snags it for themselves and their blood relatives. It works like a drug cartel. They don’t mean to share it with you or lift you up from your oppression with it. And if you make the mistake of thinking otherwise you could wake up dead some morning or going to prison for a long time. Remember Wag the Dog? Dustin Hoffman’s character learned that the hard way.

    And that’s why we need to thank God Almighty every day for His mercy and for POTUS Trump.

  5. When there is no God (as the leftist mind requires), the leader of man becomes God-like, worthy of worship like God. Hence a major source of their pain in the defeat of their God Obolo. He never lied and could do no wrong in the collective leftist mind that is unable to think critically on it’s own.

  6. Control, Gas Lighting, Projection, Revisionism, Identity Politics, (non)Virtue Signaling, etcetera, etcetera…

    Please feel free to add…to these asshats…


  7. @Uncle Al – what do you think their ultimate goal is? Power can be used to obtain wealth and/or to control the population.

    Would really like your opinion.

  8. I lived with a State clinical psychologist for 4 years, this or Sling Blade, once a month.

    “Doyle said besides sending the police, you might wanna send an ambulance or a “hearst”. I’ll be sitting here, waiting on ye.” – Karl

  9. Those who recognize and fear The True and Living God no longer dwell on power over man, but we are all capable. How? Sin. The thing we have all been born in that separates us from God. The only rescue from this state of being is a relationship with Christ who shed his blood to break the bonds of sin.
    Otherwise, the depravity of sin captures the soul and all that matters is a self-centered, wicked, “lifestyle” focused on death and yes, power and control. The operating system of the left is based on sin sick souls seeking absolute power which they are not worth of or entitled to – only God owns that right.
    The left has not faced this kind of pushhback since the Reagan era and they are losing some ground. The tactic of criminals involving their offspring as pawns to enter this country illegally is falling on deaf ears in “fly over” areas who put Mr. Trump in office.

  10. @ This Texan – loved the flick though never looked at Alicia Christian “Jodie” Foster the same since she married her girlfriend …. her liberalism went haywire

  11. @ River – with all due respect to Uncle Al, not speaking for you.

    They (Media, Neo-Libs,Leftists, Anarchists, the DS itself) wants an end to America as YOU and your parents and grand parents, and great grand parents knew America.

    They hate the POTUS ergo they hate YOU…and me.

    “There Charlie Brown, (no offense to @River) that’s why they hate America” – Linus

    THIS is WHY we ARE MAGA.

    Uncle Al?


  12. They want the power to choose. Anything, and man decides what is right and wrong, that is the goal. To have the power to choose.
    They can’t even follow this through to its logical conclusion that someone in power could choose to end THEIR existence.


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