It’s Not Just Biden – IOTW Report

It’s Not Just Biden

Pelosi caught something from Biden

23 Comments on It’s Not Just Biden

  1. Nancy needs to give up her congressional seat and face a true investigation of her stock wheeling and dealing through insider trading.
    Her hubby needs to be smacked with a hammer a few more times.

  2. cato

    As of right now she’s totally legal. Her and Captain One Eye Dan Crenshaw. That piece of shit. As I remember some one introduced legislation to curtail this bull shit. Never reached the floor.
    Still comes down to this. These assholes spend millions and millions of dollars to get elected to a job that pays 180K a year. And within two terms they’re all millionaires. Somethin stinks. And it’s got to stop.

  3. Jay Rockefeller (D – WVa) spent $14 Million for his seat.
    And that was back in 1984!
    (that’s roughly equivalent to $42 Million today)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. That evil skank alone is reason for all humans on the planet to ABSOLUTELY HATE the USA.

    She is a thoroughly NASTY piece of trash.

  5. She’d be older than Methusaleh by 31years if she lived to be 800 and that ain’t gonna happen. I used to joke that I’d like to be 770 years old so I could be a year older than Methusaleh at 769 and I could taunt him and say neener, neener, neener. Or Nancy Pelousie could be like Jack Benny and pretend to be perpetually 39.

  6. She shook her you know whats . . .
    However, they have lost their touch.
    Her schtick just ain’t schticking like it used too.
    Her Negative Nancies are out in force.

    THEY know it’s over

    WE get to watch the RIDE

    “KNOWING where we’re GOING”


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