It’s Not Just Hunter Biden Giving Joe Heartburn Over Conflict of Interest Issues. Did You See His Son-in-Law? – IOTW Report

It’s Not Just Hunter Biden Giving Joe Heartburn Over Conflict of Interest Issues. Did You See His Son-in-Law?


Well, Hunter Biden might want this guy to be more a lightning rod in light of his emails exposing a lot of dirty laundry concerning his business interests. Emails that show that Joe Biden has lied to us about not knowing what Hunter was doing. That’s been the position of the former vice president. He didn’t know or he never discussed business with his son. Well, it’s sort of hard to play that off when emails show Hunter introduced executives from Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, to the elder Biden. Hunter sat on Burisma’s board making $50k/month to allegedly sell access to top Obama officials. Also, this was the company that was being investigated for corruption when Hunter took his position there in 2014, around the time when VP Joe was helping Ukraine with its anti-corruption efforts. The vice president forced the Ukrainian government to fire the prosecutor looking into Burisma, threatening to withhold aid. Gee—where have you heard this before, only in this case, Biden is guilty. He’s on video bragging about it. 

Now, we have a son-in-law issue. Yeah, maybe Hunter can have some heat taken off of him, right? Probably not, but this son-in-law of Biden’s could become another problem. You see he’s advising his father-in-law on how to combat the coronavirus while being part of a million-dollar COVID-based investment opportunity. more here

6 Comments on It’s Not Just Hunter Biden Giving Joe Heartburn Over Conflict of Interest Issues. Did You See His Son-in-Law?

  1. Who sets the tone of what is acceptable in the Biden Crime Family?
    Who’s the captain of that ship of fools?
    Who’s the so-called “DemocRAT Party”
    Who’s the grinning imbecile with the personality of a Tourettes-addled Winnebago man barely functioning with all the mental agility of Karl Childers?
    Jackass Joe! That’s who!

  2. There’s few up there that isn’t dirty. The fact that republicans are always so reluctant to go after corruption is because they’re afraid attention will be directed back at them. In the Biden family case they’re so used to it they’ve gotten sloppy.

  3. @ Tony R


    Hillary & Bill had it down to a fine oiled machine.
    Biden is an amateur in comparison that benefited from the willful blindness of Obama, The Democrats, The Media & White shirt law enforcement.


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