It’s not just Trump-supporters who are resisting the COVID vaccine – IOTW Report

It’s not just Trump-supporters who are resisting the COVID vaccine

American Thinker:

By Jack Hellner

On May 21, federal health officials testified before Congress that only 60% of their employees had received the COVID vaccine.

Federal health officials testified at a Senate committee hearing that about 60% of their employees have been vaccinated against COVID-19 so far

There are three COVID-19 vaccines available in the U.S. that have all received emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration. More than 279 million vaccine doses had been administered in the U.S. and 60.5% of adults had received at least one shot as of May 21.

That was almost exactly the same vaccination rate as that of the public at large.  My question, why is the public continually misled that the people not getting the vaccine are just Trump-supporters?

Why hadn’t 40% of federal health workers received the shot by May 21, since I am sure it had been available to them for about six months? more

19 Comments on It’s not just Trump-supporters who are resisting the COVID vaccine

  1. After listing to Dr. Lee Merritt and Dr. Simone Gold, the outcome for those vaccinated isn’t good. Those vaccinated are carriers of something worse.
    45,000 dead is only the beginning.

  2. The Fall flu season can’t get here soon enough.

    I’d recommend holding off doing any early Christmas shopping for vaccinated family and friends. The lines at the Returns counter will stretch around the block.

    Just sayin’

  3. My theory on why they are pushing the jab. Taxpayers are footing the bill for the shots, which makes execs at Big Pharma billionaires. Then Big Pharma is redirecting some of that money back to the politicians. I believe the whole thing is a cross between a ponzi scheme and money laundering.

  4. “The Delta variant” will be the excuse given to relock down a country and gloss over the coming outrage of the evidence of a stolen election and an illegitimate administration.

    See it unfold before your eyes faster than the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop.

  5. I’m thinking of a segment of the population which has a historical, justified skepticism of government-based medical experiments. This group, while being a minority of the population, is also quite over-represented numerically in government employment. This group is also the keystone of the Democrat party, so the Democrats cannot shame it publicly for refusing the jab.

    So the Democrats do what they do best: project their anti-vax rage onto Trump supporters. But we can know exactly who they are really targeting by watching where Biden sends most of his door-to-door jab jackboots.

  6. I read only 40% of blacks in Detroit are vaccinated, Hispanics also lag and young people starting from 39 and younger. Their goal is to get this to be mandatory to necessitate a global vaccine passport. How do you do that? Well you make it about punishing a group of people you hate. They know how their liberal base just loses their mind when it comes to MAGA. If you ask them if they should mandate the jab and issue in a passport they’ll be split on it but if you add in that the resistors are MAGA and make it a punishment for them you get them all on board. All psyops and at the end of the day if they ever get a vax passport we will all be screwed and headed to a China social credit system.

  7. It was Trump who was going to cancel the election because of covid. Of course it’s ALWAYS republicans that are creating the worst outcome for democrats. Democrats concoct the worst possible thing that can happen to them and turn right around and blame republicans for it because that’s their only opposition, truth be damned. Then when it doesn’t happen they use that same concocted plan against republicans. Watch for the 2022 midterms and/or the 2024 election to be canceled.

  8. It’s a religion/obsession. The goal is to get enough “believers” (Vaxxed) to run the country, then they can shut out the rest of us. Most humans need something to follow, some vigorously; a god, pet rocks, blm, tulip speculation, climate change…

  9. First off not everyone who is a Trump supporter is unvaccinated. I know plenty of liberals that aren’t getting the jab. I also have many conservative friends who got the jab. One of them has terminal bladder cancer, another wife has leukemia got the jab because of that and her too. So, who is getting the jab and who isn’t is a myth. I’m a Trump supporter, but he isn’t the reason why I’m not getting the jab. I don’t wish to participate in the genocide. Furthermore, the people that I know who got the jab are over the age of 65. I have 6 relatives who got the jab and all 6 are dead. One of them recovered very well, got the jab and died of blood clots.

    I’ve traveled extensively throughout my life. I don’t really have the desire to travel more than 200 miles from my house. What do I need a travel passport for?

  10. Question:

    It’s more gaslighting astroturf but I’ve been noticing a claim popping up all over the internet where the vaccine topic comes up. It is this: the vax is intended only to lessen the symptoms for when you do contract corona, but not PREVENT you from contracting it.

    My memory is telling me that this has NEVER been the logic behind any vaccine before now. A vax (say, flu) may or may not work but the idea has always been to immunize you if exposed, not just lessen the symptoms once youcome down with it.

    Am I wrong on this?

  11. ECP: “Watch for the 2022 midterms and/or the 2024 election to be canceled.

    And the stupid fuckers will cheer Biden for canceling them, when they would have screamed for Trump’s head if he had even suggested it.

    We have always been at war with Eastasia.

  12. Here’s something I heard. These type of jabs were being tested in Africa in 2019 or so. Those jabs caused the people who got it lots of problems, including a suseptibility to Ebola and Monkeypox.
    Guess what arrived in the US? Monkeypox. Brought to you by “refugees”.

    Now, if, and I stress IF, these controla jabs make you suseptible to Ebola, etc., I imagine we’ll be headed for a lockdown, huh? Even though it’s less dangerous than smallpox.

    Please, explain to me why we’re in a pandemic, but we’re flying in people from shitholes to the US?

  13. MJA JULY 22, 2021 AT 12:14 AM

    It’s called viral interference.. part of the actual science informing actual vaccines (the legal definition of “vaccine” was changed [similar to the change in “whistleblower” definition to accommodate false accusations against Trump]).

    anyhow, it’s a (very) potential side effect–viral interference. In this particular context (spike proteins), what is likely to occur is a super-resistance to that specific pathogen–and a paradoxical accompanying vulnerability to other virii which are NOT very specifically the exact spike protein.

    Ie, a person is MORE likely to contract similar–but not exact same–infections.

    it’s too actually ‘sciencey’ for the scientism-jackboot-msm who foist tyranny on us in the form hysterical agit-prop to publish in any significant manner.


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