‘It’s Not Outrage — It’s Fear, It’s Panic’ – IOTW Report

‘It’s Not Outrage — It’s Fear, It’s Panic’


Tuesday, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson responded to the backlash from Democrats and the media over recently unreleased January 6 Capitol footage depicting a slightly different picture than what had been portrayed over the past two years.

Carlson called the reaction from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and other media figures to be a fear and panic.

Partial transcript as follows:

CARLSON: Last night, we aired video from surveillance cameras on Capitol Hill. That video was recorded 26 months to the day before January 6, 2021, and for 26 months, that footage was held from the American public. The January 6 Committee made certain.

Now, the Justice Department also kept a lid on that video footage and in fact, in some cases, DOJ did not share it with criminal defendants who had been charged on January 6, in violation of their constitutional rights.

So, we felt it was a public service to bring what we could to you. There was no justification for keeping the secret any longer and a powerful argument to be made that sunlight is always and everywhere the best disinfectant and in fact, because it was video evidence, it is to some extent self-explanatory.

Anyone could look at the tape and decide what he or she thinks of it.

So, the tape we showed last night indicated very clearly that Capitol Hill Police in some cases escorted protesters through the Capitol as if they were giving a tour. They did that with Jacob Chansley, the so-called QAnon Shaman. At one point, they even tried to open locked doors on Chansley’s behalf.

Chansley was sentenced to four years in prison for his crimes in the Capitol on January 6th and the video we showed you last night raises the obvious question: Why? On what grounds?

The video we showed you last night also showed that Officer Brian Sicknick was not beaten to death with a fire extinguisher by protesters on January 6th as the media and Liz Cheney so often claimed. The video shows Sicknick walking around the building, apparently in good health, after he was supposedly killed.

We showed you that video. You can make of it what you will.


15 Comments on ‘It’s Not Outrage — It’s Fear, It’s Panic’

  1. Bennie Thompson, THE FRICKEN’ CHAIR OF J6, now says that committee members didn’t have access to the video, that staffers watched video and reported to the committee.
    An obvious lie, Congress members certainly had clearance if anybody else did. And even if that were true it makes them look really bad.

  2. Then again, “fear and panic” is not a lasting human, emotional state in Democrats who continuously lie as cover for their crimes, because they actually believe their lies are the factual truths of what REALLY (and/or, SHOULD HAVE) happened, even though it conflicts with their previous lies on the exact same subject matter.

    So, there’s that.

  3. “…recently unreleased (sic) January 6 Capitol footage depicting a slightly different picture than what had been portrayed over the past two years.”

    Slightly different…as in 180 degrees opposite!

  4. Everything the Biden (Obama/Jarret/Rice/Soros) administration has been doing since the first day has been to spread fear and panic. What better way to control the sheep!

  5. J6 has more incommon with the Boston Massacre, where troops killed civilians. I’d rather Carlson include those deaths, and an overall flipping of the narrative on J6.

    And I agree, witholding these tapes is pretty blatant prosectorial misconduct.

  6. If the government had nothing to hide, always acted in the best interest of America and its citizens and operated on the principles of truth, reality and good faith they wouldn’t meet behind closed doors, flat out lie and operate in secret. Much of what they do isn’t classified for national security, rather because it’s agenda driven, harmful to the country or flat out illegal. The outcome of these hearings had been decided long before the “committee”’ convened. A professional producer was hired to manipulate video evidence to portray protestors in the worst light possible. What they did is criminal, intentional and what one might expect from despotic regimes. These people are evil and nothing is beneath them. Remember, Merrill Garland stated publicly that five officers were killed in the “insurrection”. This is a blatant lie. A person in this position should be beyond moral reproach and totally neutral in his application of the law. Similar “trials” were endorsed by Roland Freisler in the 30s and 40s.

  7. What connection did McConnell’s fall have to this? When they reported his fall I thought of Filthy Harry Reid immediately, and the left handed ‘exercise machine’ that busted him up immediately prior to his ‘retirement’. Maybe the turtle stuck his neck out a little too far? Maybe not far enough? Maybe it’s nothing. Very coincidental though.


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