Man Found With 2lbs Of Gold Up His Bum After ‘Acting Suspiciously’ At Airport.

Ladbible: A man who was ‘acting suspiciously’ at an Indian airport was found hiding 2lbs of gold worth £43,000 up his butt.
The passenger had arrived on an Air Arabia flight to the city of Jaipur on Friday, April 23, and ‘was looking suspicious from his manners’, reports the Daily Star.
The airport official said that ‘a personal search was carried out’, and officials claim that three transparent polyethylene capsules wrapped in white plastic were concealed inside the man’s bum.
Basically, inside the actual capsules were small metal granules that were made up of almost pure gold.
“The 791 gram gold of 99.50% purity valued at Rs 42,79,310 (about £43,000) was extracted and was seized,” the official said.
These types of incidents happen on a regular occurrence, as some 1,632 people, including 324 foreigners, have been arrested in these cases between the beginning of January 2011 and the beginning of this year. more
Oh, so this is what they call a “Gold Digger!”
There’s gold in them thar bums!
I been diggin for gold all my life, but all I ever get is shit.
Sad that real money is suppressed to the point of hiding it in ones ass in order to keep the charade of government issued fiat currency.
Sister Golden Arse?
Thars a pot of gold in that thar bum!
Captain Koons hiding his boy’s birthright in the one place those slopes couldn’t get their greasy yellow hands on it.
Man with a golden bum staring Hervé Villechaize.
The pain, the pain!
I hide mine in my house!
There were doubloons in his pantaloons?
I invested in lead and powder.
Will be worth more than gold.
Alchemists have found a new way to turn shit into gold!
Au! That hurts!
Sung to them music of the Bond film Goldfinger:
Goldshitter (wah waaaah waaaah)
He’s the man
The man with the gold up his butt
A proctologist’s touch
Such a stinky finger (wah waaaah waaah)
Beckons you to enter his gilded rectum
But don’t dig in…
Foul odors will pour in your nose
But his lies can’t disguise it’s kinda queer
For a goldshitter knows when the TSA has missed him..
It’s the stench of wealth from Mr. Goldshitter (wah waaaah waaaah)…
The only precious metals I have set on top of a cylinder full of propellant!
You know it’s coming.
Credit unions and regional banks….
Cash……crypto…..silver……gold…..prepper stuff like guns/ammo and food…..diversify like a mutual fund…..good luck.
I’ve heard of shittin’ bricks, but this is carrying it a bit too far
Gold Dust AssMan