It’s now looking like the lockdowns may have been a huge mistake – IOTW Report

It’s now looking like the lockdowns may have been a huge mistake

NYP|Michael Barone –

Were lockdowns a mistake? To that nagging question, the answer increasingly seems to be yes.

Certainly, they were a novelty. As novelist Lionel Shriver writes, “We’ve never before responded to a contagion by closing down whole countries.” As I’ve noted, the 1957-58 Asian flu killed between 70,000 and 116,000 Americans, between 0.04 percent and 0.07 percent of the nation’s population. The 1968-70 Hong Kong flu killed about 100,000, 0.05 percent of the population.

The US coronavirus death toll of 186,000 is 0.055 percent of the current population. It will go higher, but it’s about the same magnitude as those two flus, and it has been less deadly to those under 65 than the flus were. Yet there were no statewide lockdowns; no massive school closings; no closings of office buildings and factories, restaurants and museums. No one considered shutting down Woodstock. more here

21 Comments on It’s now looking like the lockdowns may have been a huge mistake

  1. Lockdowns that continue indefinitely based on the whims of your state leader. And now LA and Chicago are cancelling Trick or Treating. How do you even do that? What law am I breaking taking my kid to neighbors houses in a costume standing outside? Are they seriously going to send out police to enforce this while protestors are let free to burn down another part of town? What if everyone says to hell with that and swarm the neighborhoods.

  2. The same Sherlock reference as above. I do want to share this but am in Facebook jail. It appears videos of Hitler and Stalin singing a silly duet are ‘hate speech’ or ‘terrorism’

  3. The nanny state isn’t going to give up on the pandemic yet. We may very well have these stupid mask mandates for the rest of our lives, now that the fear is fully monetized and the asshole corporate lawyers advise to keep indoor mask mandates in place “just to be safe from liability”. And, let’s face it, the ruling class loves fucking with the filthy peasants now. It’s their primary joy in life now.

    The utter stupidity of the lock-downs and the mask insanity supports my long held belief that when Armageddon finally comes it will be because virtually everyone alive will WANT it to come.

  4. The Democrats will only consider it a mistake if they do not win on Nov 3rd.

    The Lock down is an attempt to cripple the economies of Both Chyna & the US and primarily to remove Donald Trump.

    The UN, EU & WHO do not want 2 supper powers rendering them useless.

    The wild card is that Trump is not capitulating and Non EU nations are happily joining an anti-chyna movement. They are tired of the bulling and they to want a chance at more profitable economy. Look at how many Asian countries around Chyna are aggressively trying to take industry & work away from the CCP.

    If America Plays it correctly, you bring back as many jobs as can reasonably be profitable.
    What needs to be done offshore is spread out among many friendlier nations that will work with the US not against it.
    Chyna should no longer use American manufacturing profits to build the very corporations & military that the world will be fighting against in 20 years.

    Cut Them OFF!

  5. No Shit !

    The lockdowns weren’t designed to destroy
    the economy to prevent the re-election of
    president Trump ?

    That’s the ONLY reason the lockdowns
    were implemented

    The smellocrat party will do ANYTHING
    to prevent his re-election


    Destroying our country if it can only
    be done that way

    Democratisch Partei Uberalles !

  6. ANYONE that votes for a fucking democrat is guilty of treason.
    Should be easy to prove.
    As I recall, these mass mailed out ballots have the voters names on them.
    Send THAT message out far and wide.

  7. A threefer for the communists, of course I’m referring to the domestic communists, the democrats. 1. Squash Trump’s economy. 2. Loose thousands of young people onto the streets, newly unemployed and ready to riot against the evil capitalists. 3. Implode government tax revenue while massively increasing government expenditures. Lovely, a picture of perfect conditions for the next phase of the revolution… with one notable exception… they haven’t been able to disarm the public… yet.

  8. The big difference is during the Asian and Hong Kong flu events. The democrats weren’t as desperate to to get a Republican president out of office as they are now.

    But even more important: during those eras the democrats were not yet completely lost to the far left, and were not then willing to destroy the country to reach their goals. They are willing to do so now. If Joe wins they will believe the lock down was well worth it, but they won’t admit the lock down was an election strategy.

  9. Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.

    – Joe Biden’s teleprompter/ I’m Jill Bidens wife

  10. Must have a very loose definition of “mistake.”

    Was the Gulag a “mistake?”
    Was Auschwitz a “mistake?”
    Is the Laogai a “mistake?”

    Mya Guess is spot-on.

    izlamo delenda est …

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