It’s Now Racist to Blame Bad Chinese Food Practices for the Coronavirus virus – IOTW Report

It’s Now Racist to Blame Bad Chinese Food Practices for the Coronavirus virus

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: I know not the source of the next extinction-level pandemic. I know only this: White people will not be allowed to discuss it because when the truly apocalyptic plague hits, it’ll be because someone in the nonwhite world ate a civet dick or an exotic pustule marinade. And the disease will be seen as the lesser of two evils compared with the racist white folks trying to contain it. There’ll be no way to fight the epidemic without passing judgment on the behavior or customs of nonwhites, and there’ll be no way to contain it without quarantining at least a few people of color. So we’ll all just die.

POC immunity from criticism increases everyone else’s susceptibility to death. To be sure, the Wuhan coronavirus isn’t going to end the world, but some of the response to it anticipates what eventually might.  Keep Reading

21 Comments on It’s Now Racist to Blame Bad Chinese Food Practices for the Coronavirus virus

  1. Wait, criticism of people who eat endangered ant eating armadillos is racist?

    During my tours in S. Korea I saw many a beautiful woman consuming exotic critters whilst at the local street market.

    Talk about cognitive dissonance…,

  2. …if you want to see bad food practices, you need look no further than the person at the “Mexican” style takeout restaurant that starts with “Chip….” who’s been scooting their belly along the back of the counter all day so much that they have a crusty, beany “hig water mark” on their apron th show where the counter is, as dried flakes from hours past sprinkle into your Carnitas Quesos while the person cross-contaminates between the bins by dropping some meat into the salsa and lettuce into the black beans…

    …terrible food practices are not by any stretch limited to China, is all I’m saying…

  3. …but it’s actually weird that it’s racist to say stuff about the Chinese, given that they are grouped with Whitey at college admission or Affirmative Action time…

    …I would say that the Left just needs to make up their tiny minds about this, but then if they actually had any intellectual consistency, they wouldn’t be good little leftys, so that’s just hoping amiss…

  4. …also, I had alligator nuggets in New Orleans. That’s pretty weird, but pretty delicious too.

    And I didn’t cause a pandemic.

    Eating cooked muscle from pretty much anything is usually OK. It’s when you start eating raw things and organs and brains that we hit the gates of Racoon City…

  5. …althogh I’ll probably get a lot of hate for this, but after the local zoo had their sniper (Zoo Sniper, THERE’S a job I want) end Harambe because some POC couldn’t watch her kids, I always though they should have served up some gorilla nuggets in the zoo gift shop, as a tribue and a fundraiser, seeing as how he had a LOT of meat on him and HE wasn’t using it any more…

    …what, too soon?

    …tell me YOU wouldn’t try some, tho…

  6. My sister and I used to spend summer with my Aunt and Uncle growing up as my single mother was unable to afford day care for us while she worked. We were constantly eating chicken soup, chicken and gravy on rice,toast,mashed potatoes and lots of chicken stew. Only when we were older did we find out we were eating snapping turtle. I used to watch my uncle behead and crack the shells open on them. Never occurred to me that we were eating them. Guess I must have thought he hated turtles or something. It was good and I’d eat it again.

  7. Same as it’s racist to call a third world shithole, well, a third world shithole. Same to expect POC to academically achieve the same passing grade as whites. Same to expect POC to have similar qualifications as whites to get the same job. Foods also are off limits to whites, don’t be giving away watermelon or fried chicken. Clothing? Yup, whites can’t wear pants hanging off their ass, not like we’d want to. Fashion? Yup, gold chains are for POCs and latinos, oh sorry that’s sexist, I mean latinx.

    It’s also racist to point out whites have created the best living conditions in the world via engineering, healthcare, and general common sense. All credit should go to POCs.

    Bonus: Did you know it’s illegal in California to not have at least one woman on corporate boards by the end of 2019? And the minimum is two female directors if the company has five directors on its board, or three women if it has seven directors by the close of 2021.

    I bet it won’t be long before the next democrat president (who will be a white male) mandates the next president must be a woman (read: not female), by executive order, and must have a certain number of POCs and women in their cabinet.

  8. There may be an element of natural selection in cultural eating practices. It’s not that bat soup is safe, but simply that it isn’t as likely to kill you as steamed rat. The rat chompers die and the bat slurpers get to pass on their preferences.

    I’ll have a medium rare rib-eye, thankyouverymuch.

  9. There literally isn’t a single living thing or body part thereof on Earth so disgusting that some Chinaman somewhere doesn’t think is either delicious or will give him a hard-on.

  10. I started earning $600 a day selling bat soup to stupid liberals. Ask me how. Hint: It was easy once you shame them into eating it and paying top dollar for the privilege.

    OK. Back to the belfry to harvest.

  11. …so, is it time to talk about the hanging hindquarters of Rover in open-air Asian markets yet? Or the aso stew of the Philippines?

    …Dinner in the East is an affair for cats AND dogs, don’tcha know…

  12. @PJ

    What’s odd about turtle soup is that it seems to have been on the menus of some expensive restaurants, like Delmonico’s, in the late 19th and early 20th century. I’ve also seen White House dinner descriptions from that era that included turtle soup. I would try it but I’ve never seen it on the menu of any restaurant I’ve been to.

  13. Chinese Government must want to reduce the excess population. This comes right after China’s economy starts to go south on account of Pres. Trump looking out for Americans first.

    I’m highly suspicious of anything the PRC gov’t does or states. They are bad people.


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