It’s Official! Booker / T-Bone 2020 😂 – IOTW Report

It’s Official! Booker / T-Bone 2020 😂

Patriot Retort:

Vacuous Gasbag Joins the 2020 Clown Car.

Oh, good.  Another vacuous gasbag with delusions of leadership has hopped into the Democrat’s 2020 Clown Car.

Just what we need.

Yesterday Spartacus Booker declared that he is a candidate for President.

Unlike vapid lightweights Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Kirsten Gillibrand, this preening, vacuous gasbag actually has executive experience.

He served as the Mayor of the Murder Capital of New Jersey.

Okay. I didn’t say he has experience as a successful chief executive.

As Daniel Greenfield pointed out in his column “The Mayors of the Worst Cities in America Are Running for President:”

Like Tallahassee and South Bend, Newark is one of the country’s murder capitals. And it’s been listedas the most violent city in its respective state. It’s also one of the worst cities in the country to live in.

That’s why the majority of people who work in Newark actually live away from the troubled city.

Like South Bend and Tallahassee, around 1 in 4 Newark residents live in poverty. A report this year listed Newark as the 3rd neediest city in America.

A year after Booker jumped ship to become a senator, a report found that 18% of children in Newark were living in “extreme poverty”.

The adult literacy rate in Newark is 52% making it the citywith the fifth highest illiteracy rate in America.

How does the mayor of a city with the 5th highest illiteracy rate and the 3rd neediest residents actually aspire to higher office with that miserable track record of failure and human wreckage?

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31 Comments on It’s Official! Booker / T-Bone 2020 😂

  1. [Soft piano notes, fade in on long shot of Booker in a wheat field, silhouetted against the dawn sky]

    “A man of dreams.”

    [Medium shot, closing in on Booker’s steely profile gazing boldly at the horizon]

    “A man of vision.”

    [Closeup of Booker doing a Marty Feldman straight into the camera]

    “A man who looks into both past and future. At the same time.”

    “Booker. 2020.”

    – campaign ad voiceover

  2. Frankly I think it is a little short sighted to be jumping in so early. Once you rise to the top there is no where to go but down. Even Trump didn’t enter until the summer. People don’t have a year and 9 months attention span. And for these wackos it is just more time for dirt and videos of their asinine behavior and conduct to surface.

  3. I’m glad to see Cory running, I think he’d make a fine candidate.

    I’ll bet Trump would agree.

    With the Democrat clown car filling up, may the biggest clown win.

  4. Campaign song:
    “He’s got Marty Feldman eyes…”
    Now we see the biggest problem with Obama’s “legacy”?: now every butt-sucking loser thinks they’re eligible to be POTUS.

  5. Just wait until Spartacus Booker has his moment on stage with all the other Socialists-Demographic Party thieves. He is going to think Marcus Licinius Crassus treated the real Spartacus in a gentle manner. He be wupped before the games even get to the point where they are throwing Christians to the abortionist.

  6. @ A.Moose FEBRUARY 1, 2019 AT 2:41 PM – you are so yesterday

    Being a gay, black, woman, muslim, illegal who kept their infant comfortable until they made their decision to murder it in cold blood (with the assistance of their doctor, of course)… is their new standard.


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