Fidel Castro. You are NOT the father – IOTW Report

Fidel Castro. You are NOT the father

American Thinker:   It’s official: Fidel had nothing to do with Justin.

Over the last few weeks, the Canadian media have reached an important conclusion:

In the darker corners of the internet dwells a theory as outlandish as it is compelling: That the real father of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is the late Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.

The theory falls apart after only a cursory look at the historical evidence, but it persists for one reason alone: Justin Trudeau’s appearance is strikingly similar to that of the late Cuban dictator.  MORE HERE


30 Comments on Fidel Castro. You are NOT the father

  1. But Fidel was a man. Not a good man, but still he was a man.

    You would think mini Fidel Trudeau would inherit some of that man stuff.

    Maybe that proves it’s not genetic, but environment after all.

  2. Considering his mother Margaret was a liberated feminist hosebag prog, there is literally no telling which of the bazillion squiggleys she hosted finally penetrated this particular unabortion. If you regularly attend bukkake parties as the “host,” there is a statistical probability it could be anyone on the planet during his conception.

  3. Daily Mail has great photos of Lil’ Justin going Bollywood. A gay man’s notion of FABULOUS cosplay.

    An Indian friend emailed me that whatever staffers found him these costumes not only dressed him up as a “wedding bridegroom” but a 19 Century period bridegroom. Reactions are shifting from Annoyed to Angry.
    Now he’s staging photo opps with convicted terrorists. Smaaaart.

    I’m imagining Xi arriving to address Congress dressed up as Chief Geronimo. Or better yet, Putin arriving at Dulles in full Lincoln costume. Stovepipe hat. Black beard.

    The Left are mentally ill.

  4. Justin – “Yo Obama, how did you hide the fact that Frank Marshall Davis was your father? I need some tips and fast lest Papa Fidel is exposed?”

    Obama – “Justin, you have the media don’t you boy? Use em!”

  5. So who IS his father? Certainly not Pierre. Margaret Trudeau was a notorious skank, famous for her affairs, so the father could be almost anyone in the glitteratti of the 70’s.

  6. Not Fidel the Cuban dictator.

    Fidel the weekend room service boy at the LAX Airport Westin. In a Vodka and cocaine rage. Totally forgotten soon after.

    As likely an origin as any other.

  7. It’s all a misconception (ha!). Margaret was explaining to a reporter how she got pregnant with Justin by Mick Jagger on a particular type of couch, and the guy thought she said “in Castro’s convertible”.


  8. Let CBC and the other Canuck media outlets prove his parentage! The Canuck media is everybit as bad as ours! Just watch some of their programs and get a load of how the average Canadien has to let their brain get screwed over by their media.

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