It’s Official: Mittens Is Running For Utah Senate Seat – IOTW Report

It’s Official: Mittens Is Running For Utah Senate Seat

Conservative Treehouse:

Mitt Romney made it official this morning, he is running for the Senate seat currently held by retiring Orrin Hatch.  FUBAR.

38 Comments on It’s Official: Mittens Is Running For Utah Senate Seat

  1. I never have liked the guy. I remember when he was all the rage regarding the Salt Lake City Olympics – I just couldn’t warm up to the guy. Some personality types affect me in that way and irrespective of whether it is fair or not, I just don’t like the guy.

  2. He can run, but he can’t hide…
    …who he is, after revealing his inner emptiness during his preznitial campaign.

    Who beat him? Oh yeah, the empty chair, that’s who. And then Trump.

  3. Is anyone going to run against him? How do we fight this? Romney is the original bend-over boy, he bows over but in the opposite direction than Obama so he can take it up the rear for the highest bidder. Anyone here for Utah?

  4. “Held my nose and voted for him for President…”

    I did the same with both he and McCain, but it is my sincerely held belief today that either of these two would have been worse than the eight years of the Obama.

  5. Dad was governor of Michigan, he was governor of Taxxachusetts, now he wants to be Senator from Utah?

    Fuckin pick a place, Mittens!

    Geez, and he’s got cousins covering Arizona and Nevada.
    Fukkin infection almost (*ALMOST*) as bad as the Kennedys.

    What? Utah run out of Utahians?

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Find a good Utah Candidate and throw cash at him/her. Hire some of Trumps campaign staff to help run the nomination battle and make sure that Mittens screw ups and double talk get wide play. Make sure he’s seen as an outsider whose lived most of his life outside Utah and wasn’t even born there. He’s a parachute candidate and the GOP needs to be taught a lesson about that.

  7. Mitt the twit to run for Senate from Utah .…
    Maybe he is trying to set a record for the number of losing campaigns,
    Or the number of different states they were launched from,
    Maybe he just can’t find employment in the real world.

  8. @Mike32 February 16, 2018 at 12:28 pm


    “Far right conservative group calls for communists to stop communing!”


  9. Utah has a history of voting for the sons of successful Mormons, however, Bro. Mitt has disappointed many Utahns over the years, so I think that a good candidate stands a reasonable chance against him.

    Liljenquist probably has the best chance, but I consider him flawed for having left the State Senate without a convincing explanation (and immediately stylin’ some facial hair — mid-life crisis?).

    What would be a lot of fun is if John-Boy decides to run. If we are destined to have a RINO as senator, the process might as well be entertaining.

  10. @scr_north February 16, 2018 at 1:22 pm

    Make sure he’s seen as an outsider whose lived most of his life outside Utah and wasn’t even born there.

    That’s like telling the voters of Detroit to reject the black guy from Chicago. I’m not saying it can’t work, but the alternative has to have very (ahem) “particular” attributes.

  11. From the Wikipedia article,,_2018 , of the declared candidates, only Romney is a known name (meaning I think the others are likely kooks). Of those listed as potential, I would prioritize as follows: Huntsman, Leavitt, Stewart, Liljenquist, Love, Reyes, Wright, Dougall, Henderson, McCay. The last four are not well known statewide. I don’t think that Leavitt, Stewart, Love, Reyes or Wright would choose to challenge Romney.

  12. Sadly, I voted for Mitt twice in my lifetime. First in 1994 when he ran against car wash teddy Kennedy for senate. He lost. And then again in 2012 for president when couldn’t even beat the despicable Barack.

    He’s a serial loser.

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