It’s OK to slaughter thousands of bald eagles if you’re promoting “green energy” – IOTW Report

It’s OK to slaughter thousands of bald eagles if you’re promoting “green energy”

WyBlog: The bald eagle. A majestic symbol of America. Proud. Unafraid.

wind power

And, protected by the Endangered Species Act.

Unless you’re the owner of an Obama-approved Wind Farm.

Then, let the killing begin!

In support of President Obama’s renewable energy plans, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are pushing for giving 30-year permits to wind farms that would forgive them for thousands of eagle deaths expected within that frame of time.

Under the plan announced Wednesday, companies would be allowed to accidentally kill up to 4,200 bald eagles annually via their wind turbines without repercussion — nearly four times the current limit.  more

14 Comments on It’s OK to slaughter thousands of bald eagles if you’re promoting “green energy”

  1. DON’T pick up an eagle feather near a wind turbine or anywhere else!!

    The law:
    “Anyone who possesses an eagle feather, and doesn’t meet the requirements, could face fines up to $100,000 and a year in prison. A second offense is upgraded from a misdemeanor to a felony, and carries a maximum penalty of two years in prison and a $250,000 fine. The act also provides for a civil penalty of up to $5,000.”

    But if you own wind turbines, it is no big deal to kill countless eagles, there are no penalties.

  2. Yep, as to be expected.
    I imagine a Trump / Cabinet member conversation:
    DT: “Is that program turning a profit?”
    CM “Of course not, its a-”
    DT: “You’re fired,” looks to secret service “Get him out”
    And then he round files the program

  3. If there were the same kind of allowance made for progressive lawmakers who were ran over by green-energy vehicles, you can bet your ass I would be saving up for the fastest greenmobile made, and a trip to Washington D.C.

  4. This all can be made to end with just a Disney-like eagle caricature in a 30 second spot, made for 4 year olds.
    The college students will eat it up, the 4 yo minds that they are.

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