DownTrend: President Donald Trump just escalated his conflict with former FBI Director James Comey which has now broken out into open warfare.

The deeply-embedded Obama loyalists within the Deep State, Democrats and turncoat Republicans saw their efforts to frame Trump over alleged ties to Putin go up in flames this week when the POTUS had finally had enough of Comey’s act and dropped the hammer on him.

Not only has the plot to gin up a case for reversing the election results been dealt a severe setback by Comey’s being kicked to the curb but the immunity talisman has also been revoked from Queen Hillary who was let off the hook by the FBI under Comey but may not be so lucky once the FBI is under new management.

Trump sat down for an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt and ripped into his former top lawman who he accused of being a “showboat” and a “grandstander” who was already on thin ice.

But the war is on as according to a piece via The Hill that poses the veiled threat that there are “tapes” on every word that Trump has uttered while in the White House as the establishment begins the pivot from Hitler to Nixon.  more here



  1. Even if Trump was being recorded, for 5 months, they don’t have shit on him obviously. lol.
    Anyway, lots of people need to get fired. Rip the bandaid. The left will be up in flabby arms no matter what he does. Fuckem!

  2. Miserable wretches will never stop no matter the cost. Whether they win or lose, they just keep advancing their leftist, anti-American agenda. It truly is astonishing to behold as they try every trick to destroy POTUS Trump. Their world has been shattered by the election and sheer malevolence has overtaken every fiber of their being and they’re thrashing around like the possessed monsters that they are!Trump is the one sprinkling holy water on their diseased souls!

  3. The media and the left have never run into a modern President that fights back with the exception of Ronald Reagan. Trump will use twitter to go straight to the people without having to beg the networks for time and then give some Democrat hack equal rebuttal. He hamstrung them with “Obama ordered me bugged” and now he cut loose Comey, possibly the worst FBI director ever appointed and that had the left tripping on their dicks. Now he’s challenged Comey have proof when he starts leaking and I think that message was more for those Obama/leftist operatives still in government and that they’re going to be a less free with the lies and half-truths. I would expect the media may start asking for proof now when somebody does try to leak a story. I wonder what Comey’s next move will be. If he’s smart it will simply to go quietly into retirement.

  4. If Trump wants to make this go away, give no-holds barred authorization to investigate the connection between Russia and the Clintons. And while they’re at it, let’s look at the Clinton Foundation.

    This is the first rock I would look under. Progs are trying to get an impeachment process rolling by claiming that Trump is violating the Constitution because maybe some Russians stay at his hotels, but given that several nations and entities have eliminated their contributions to the Clinton Foundation after Trump’s election, there seems to be little doubt that the Clintons were engaged in pay to play. The Clintons wanted back into the White House, but maybe they belong in the Big House.

  5. Here’s how I think about the left, when I do think abut them:

    Remember way back (I think it was after the ’12 mid-terms), Whittle began a series of videos wherein he laid out the idea of a parallel political universe? That’s how I think about (when I do think about) the left. They’re there, but they exist in an invisible parallel universe with respect to their actual effectiveness. Lot’s of sound and fury, kind of like the thunder accompanying the lightning. It can sound scary, but has no tangible affect on anything. To give them much more energy is fruitless because they’re going to do what they always do regardless of whether I think about them or not.

    On the other hand, I keep my eyes on the prize and if you watch what Trump is doing on a daily(!) basis, your sense of optimism is tremendous. I watch the daily press briefing, usually including one or two Secretaries or Deputies who announce more winning. I love watching this incredible team of truly masterful people doing great things.

  6. I’m confused with this liberal logic.

    President Nixon tapes conversations in the Oval Office and that is bad. Intelligence agencies tape President Trump”s conversations in the Oval Office and now Trump is Nixon. WTF?

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