KFI: Madie Johnson’s aunt, Tina Hines, recently died. This would normally be incredibly sad news however, Tina was revived. In fact, after suffering a heart attack, Hines was resuscitated six times – four by her husband with CPR and two more times at the hospital with a defibrillator. In total, Tina was considered dead for 27 minutes. When she was brought back for good, she wasn’t able to talk because she had a tube in her throat, but she immediately signaled to her family to give her a pen.

31 Comments on IT’S REAL

  1. That is so awesome! I hope my wife has been good enough that she helps me punch my ticket. I know she’s got the Pearly Gates all lined up. Sometimes I wonder about myself. Especially if things continue to go to hell in this country, I might get pissed off enough to have my ticket declared null and void.

  2. One of my most memorable CPR instructors had something to say about the process. “You’re not saving a life. The life that was in that body has fled. You’re starting a new life and that is very difficult. Don’t borrow guilt if you’re not successful.”

    Isn’t it strange how utterances made by others can stay with you for a very long time?

  3. Wow, this is great. I was in a head on car crash with Ghost many moons ago. I never died. I was unconscious for a while and then amnesia and then rehab. I always have the lost things in my head of what happened during the time I don’t remember (16 days). It’s all very surreal. Before the car accident I was run over by a bus when I was 15. Again, did not die but know that there is something special waiting for all of us. I first said to God why did this happen to me but then I knew “Thank God I’m alive!” Know, believe and pray every day for Thanks no matter how hard it all seems. Prayers are listened to and answered. God Bless Us All!

  4. My Dad, at 78 was most pleased that he was off to see his childhood dog, Ginger, and also to see his Dad…..My Grandfather died when my Dad was 12 years old and Ginger died at 17 years when my Dad was 25….It is real…..

  5. About 3 years ago i had a heart attack at work.
    What i know about it is what the Doctors and Nurses have told me.Co worker did CPR until fire arrived and they took over.
    Ambulance to hospital,revived again at hospital,stuck in ice bath to slow down all my body functions.Woke up the next day feeling fine but wondering why i was hooked up to a machine.
    They told me i was dead for about 5 min.
    Cardiologist told me only about 10% of people in my situation survive and of those 10%-80% have brain damage.
    Ultra sounds and various tests have shown very little heart damage.My Cardiologist has made me a case study.
    Through the whole ordeal i never felt pain outside of very sore ribs for 2 months.
    As far as brain damage, hey its debatable.

  6. 20 years in fire/emergency services, the most rewarding calls were we where able to revive someone long enough to give them time to say goodbyes. Dont get me wrong, working a heart attack patient and having them be able to fully recover is the obvious goal but time to say goodbye, touches ya something different.

  7. @willysgoatgruff, 7 lives and still going. I some times can’t believe myself. I wonder why did those crazy mishaps happen to me. I know there are reasons why I’m still alive. Is it for Ghost of Glover or our two great boys? I’m not sure. But hope and faith are so important. Know there is so much waiting for us. Don’t be afraid. We all seem to be afraid now but I really have a hard time with that. If I’m going to be afraid now with touching my face, after all I’ve been through. I’ll get through it. I know I will. I know we all will. God Bless!

  8. True shit that @Mary Hatch story.

    The first incident was a bus in Flushing,NY in 1981. Mary was run over by the BACK axle tire of a CITY bus, the bus was turning a corner and she tried to catch up with it (yeah foolishly), she slipped and went under.

    Second incident, we were on our way out for the night and went over a local bridge (I can still see it from my house to this day) with a high arch, under construction at the time, we were hit head on by a Delta 88, combined speed at collision was probably equal to a 80 mph dead stop brick wall equal. We had a 72 Dodge two door Scamp that I JUST bought two days prior! What a car and it saved our lives. Yes we were wearing belt buckles but no shoulder straps at the time. I SAW STARS!

    I still have, found recently again, a cassette tape I made of her slurring words sounding like a child, having to LEARN things again, almost from scratch.

    Her dad, god bless him, may he RIP three years ago, gave her a nickname. ’99’ because of that 1% that will NOT come back.

    Always thought God has his plans and I continue to think that way. It does not matter if there is a pandemic involved or NOT.

    We are constantly challenged and we will constantly survive, some will and some simply not for whatever reason.

    @Willygoatsgruff – MH loves cats! So there ya go…

    Yeah, life is risky and considering what is going on now, that is what we do, the moment you leave you house there is a risk involved prior to WhuFlu so enjoy your lives, while you can!!

  9. My moment came when I was getting my spleen removed half way through my chemo treatments. I was suddenly woken up on the operating table by the surgeon who was screaming in my face if I wanted to live I had to BREATHE! I was scared, disoriented,messed up from the drugs, in unbearable pain, and try as I might I could not take a breath and after struggling like a fish out of water with just my mouth moving I blacked out thinking that I was going to die. At some point after that I had an out of body experience and saw myself lying on the O.R. table with all those people around me and then I turned around and saw my wife in the waiting room through the walls so I went to her and I heard her praying to God for me to live and that is the only thing that made me turn around and look at my body on the table. The next thing I knew I was back in my body looking up at the surgeon who was once again ordering me to breathe and after much effort I was able to expand my chest like I was working out and that pleased him even though I could not feel air going in or out. After that I was wheeled into ICU and spent a week in there hooked up to all kinds of crap and went through some horrible experiences but I never forgot that the only reason I am alive today is because of my wife’s love and her prayers for me to stay here with her. When it was all said and done I asked my wife what exactly she prayed for when she was in the waiting room and when she told me word for word what I heard when I was out of my body it cemented in my mind that there is life after death of some kind and God does exist.

    15 years later and it is still as clear as when it happened to me.

  10. I needed this thread tonight.

    I’ve never been able to explain what happened to me, but I can only describe it as a near death experience. It was much later I discovered why or how a very healthy young woman would “die” and visit the outer veil of Heaven. There’s this thing called Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy,
    also known as stress cardiomyopathy, also known as “Broken Heart Syndrome.” It’s characterized as a temporary heart condition that results from intense physical or emotional distress.

    Heaven is real. I’ve been there at the foot of an angel who explained to me that the most important thing for any of us to do is to “Love one another.” He also said I could decide to stay there, but that none of my family would be able to understand the loss. This happened about 3 weeks after the sudden death of my young husband.

    Thanks for posting this.

  11. I have never had an out of body experience…. I did in 1991 “undoubtedly” have a reaction after a carpel tunnel surgery that included the cart. I too had sore ribs for a month or so. I lost my bride of 29 years in 2017 to lung cancer that had found its way into her brain. I could not save her.
    God bless these folks and all of you.

  12. @cslamer God Bless you and your wife. It wasn’t your time and your wife made sure of that!! I know there are reasons we are here and why things happen that we can’t explain. Faith is what it’s all about. This pandemic is upsetting us all. We will get through it. I’ve been through too much. With both accidents I’ve experienced. Why did they happen?? I don’t know but guess what – Bus accident was Sept 15, 1982 – Head on car crash was Sept. 17, 1988 – Ghost of Glover and I got married Sept. 5, 1992 – September is my drama year. Seriously, prayer and faith will get us through this all. Prayers and positive thoughts always!!! God Bless us all!

  13. Right before the Imposed Isolation occurred, I was driving on a local highway that has traffic lights. Was going about 50mph and had to slam on the breaks for an oncoming undercover police car trying to make a left, at one of those light intersections.

    While I was stopped, for a split second, I was clipped on the back right ‘gently’ by a Porche going 50 plus. Turns out he swerved blinded by a car in front of HIM and had to swerve out of the way nearly slamming into me.

    IF he hit me, I would have been ploughed into the under police car that waited for me to screech halt.

    After that happened, the undercover going to his other detail, had to do a traffic incident report instead.

    To Ghost and Mary H’s point, yeah missed it by THAT much.

    Hear ya. Shit is craaaazy out there flu, disease or otherwise.

  14. My wife’s grandmother was resuscitated several times during
    a long illness. A not super religious Lutheran but a good person, the last time her Jewish doctor brought her back she was crying. The Doc said “you didn’t want to come back, did you.” She said “No. I was there at the gate and Saint Peter said I had to come back because I had something else to do.”

  15. I told my skeptical grandmother that I choose to believe so that I can say ‘I told you so’ when I see her on the other side –for eternity.

    In her very last days, she told me to ‘send in a priest’ and I did. The next day, she saw something beatific and didn’t bother to exhale ever again.

  16. When I was young (in my twenties) I briefly died of an overdose. Didn’t see the gates but did see my grandmother whom I loved (she died many years prior to this) & who didn’t seem to pleased to see me. She stopped me & told me very firmly to go back because it was not my time. She had to tell me that a couple times because there was an overwhelming desire to walk beyond her (there were others around us that were doing just that) & get into this sleek aqua colored container with windows (like a train car but no wheels or anything) positioned horizontally to go somewhere. No kidding.

    Since then (although not immediately after that surprisingly enough), by the grace of God I’ve turned my life around. Found salvation & sobriety a little over 30 years ago. I’ve been blessed with three wonderful children & a wife who all love me. I have no fear in death & firmly believe we don’t die before our mission (whatever that may be) on earth is fulfilled.

  17. Disbeliever in NDEs because a man who verifiably was given an authentic glimpse of heaven was flatly forbidden to reveal anything he saw or heard, and so he never did. I can’t see God making hundreds or thousands of exceptions to that these days.

  18. @Richard Cranium – meant to say thanks for what YOU do!

    Some months after that accident on the bridge happened, I was out at the store, and I happen to run into the EMS medic that worked on me that September night.

    I was still in a soft leg cast with a crushed right patella and a five inch gash under my chin from hitting the steering wheel, the force of my chest blew apart the steering wheel!! Ouch.

    I limped over to his ‘bus’ and told him how grateful I was and can still see his face in my mind to this very day, dirty blond wavy hair, glasses and mustache.

    One thing wanted to also clear up about the accident, the bridge was under construction, so traffic was diverted from south to north, and hence one lane in each direction now.

    Just as I was getting to the crest of the arch of the bridge, all I see are headlights coming into us in OUR lane!! Then WHAMMIE. The medics thought I was going to go into cardiac arrest because of the direct trauma force to the chest but I did not. They thought this only because that’s what I was ‘complaining’ about at the time.

    @RC you guys are LIFESAVERS too!!

    Ghost and M Hatch


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