‘It’s Sad’: Wa Po Won’t Let Go of Masks After Several Studies Prove They Don’t Work – IOTW Report

‘It’s Sad’: Wa Po Won’t Let Go of Masks After Several Studies Prove They Don’t Work

Jimmy Dore: “They like to look down their nose at Trumpers for being anti-science, and they cling to this mask stuff.”

“You see these people on Twitter that keep clinging to this. It’s sad. And then I tell them what the science is on masks — they dismiss it. And then they get angry at me personally.”

12 Comments on ‘It’s Sad’: Wa Po Won’t Let Go of Masks After Several Studies Prove They Don’t Work

  1. I’ve mentioned before I have a cra cra SIL who is a retired nurse and she’s in line for every vaxx and booster as they roll out and she wears a mask and a face shield. You cannot talk to her with any reason, don’t even attempt to because she will die on this hill. The mask turns out to be a blessing in disguise because when we do have family get togethers, no one can hear her talking with the 2 guards in place. Furthermore, her diet and what she feeds her family is absolute crap. Cheap, sugary shelf-stable carbs and low nutrient vegetables.

    Now the strange part, she lives in Fairfax County, VA and is a Trump supporting Republican. Go figure

  2. Remember the good old daze? Neither do I; but, butt, my grandparents knew that masks didn’t work for the Spanish Flu.

    ♪ Dead, dead, dead,
    Someday we’ll all be dead. ♬

  3. I hate it when I go to Kaiser Permanente to see my podiatrist who is taking care of a wound on my right foot, and I have to wear a friggin mask. Sacred Heart Med. Center on Spokane’s S Hill wouldn’t even allow me to deliver flowers inside their flower shop after the scamdemic hit, I would deliver them outside the front door and the florists would meet me there.


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