It’s snowing in Florida – IOTW Report

It’s snowing in Florida


It’s officially snowing in north Florida as of Tuesday afternoon, the National Weather Service in Tallahassee confirmed. more

How’s it going where you are?

40 Comments on It’s snowing in Florida

  1. Tit is supposed to get down to about 42 tonight here about an hour south of Tampa. Where are those damned hurricance force winds when you really need them to blow this cold crap back north? BBBUUUUURRRRR!!!!!!!!!

  2. SW MI here…I’m up to my woohoo in snow and we are under a winter storm warning until Thursday.
    Outside my window, it has either been a scene from The Shining or The Storm of the Century.

  3. Meh.

    La Niña cold in VA, cyclical stuff that NOAA barely understands. The snow is gone, but it’s cold enough to freeze the first inch or so. Next week thaw. last 2 years were El Niño cycles, it was mild, we barely got any snow, but 1 year ago today I bounced a shovel off the farm dirt, and did it again this year. Woohoo!

    Next up… Spring.

  4. This has been an unusual non snowy winter up her in Eastern Wash. state this year. I don’t think we’ve had a total of more than a few inches of snow so far and it hasn’t stuck around at all. It was 17 degrees this morning and clear, cold but still little if any snow. Anything can still happen, but we’ll see, I have seen it snow a foot or more in March and I don’t mind not having any snow. Lots of snow up in the mountains for the skiers though. Considering everything so far, I’ll take it. Only 2 and a half more weeks till Groundhog Day on Sunday Feb. 2nd so we’ll see if we have an early spring or not. We call our groundhogs marmots and rock chucks out here.

  5. Negative numbers in SW OH.

    My buddy in Houston TX is getting snow, and they have no idea what to do about it there.

    …if there is some way to speed Global Warming, lets get on it ASAP…

  6. It’s currently -1 in Michigan with about 3 inches of snow on the ground and more to come tonight and tomorrow.

    In other words, a little less cold and snow than normal for where I live.

  7. “Different Tim I’m from Detroit but am now in Knoxville. Everyone thinks I’m pulling their leg when I say “be GLAD it’s warm enough to snow!””

    I was trying to explain to my daughter earlier that where we are close to the Kentucky/Tennessee border is usually roughly the dividing line between the cold stuff coming down from Canada & the warm coming up from the Gulf. So we tend to get more ice than snow in the winter. If we even get either. Depends on how far south the polar stuff moves.

    Right now we’re just very cold for us with occasionally light snow blowing in. The really interesting stuff appears to have relocated to the edge of the Gulf of Mex, er, America. Okay, that’s going to take some getting used to.

  8. South central S.C. and it has been below freezing for a few days… Working outdoors is painful to my hands…. Snowing since about 14:00. Still appears a dusting. Had snow and sleet Friday a week back. The locals are dismayed that they’ve seen snow twice in one year lol…

  9. Sarasota County, wet and a chilly 55°F, and a bit of a wind. I almost had to put on long pants and real shoes when I had to go out to run an errand this afternoon. Almost.

  10. North Utah/SLC.
    Teens and single digits, little to no snow.
    And what little there was, was dry snow.

  11. Just returned this evening from a week in Punta Cana, where it was mid 80s and sunny each day. Outside now in MD is 14 with expecting to drop to 5. I had set the thermostat to 50 to save energy. brrrr….baby its cold inside!

  12. We are in a North (slightly East) annexed area of Houston, leafy, forested suburbia. We got maybe 3/4 inch overnight. Practically all melted by nightfall. We were all warned ahead of time not to venture out and that everything would be closed. Schools, grocery stores, dentists, doctors, banks…

  13. I’m in Pensacola. Been here 36 years. We’ve never had anything like this. A lot of snow today, at least 6 inches. I grew up in NW Indiana. We had severe weather and “lake effect” snow there.

    It’s been a fun day sharing photos and video with family. I haven’t seen this in years. We have had light flurries occasionally, over the years. The last time any snow-fall accumulated here was about ‘93.

  14. On January 7, 1977, I was stationed at Offutt AFB near Omaha. I woke up to go to work and it was -25F with a wind chill of -65F. I just remember thinking, how in the hell do these people live here. It didn’t get above freezing for twelve days and the Missouri River froze over solid. Those poor bastards on the B-52 bases in the Dakotas had it even worse. SAC kept B-52’s and tankers flying 24/7 no matter what. Most people have no idea what an incredible enterprise SAC was during the Cold War.

  15. A balmy 60 here in Southest Florida….Windy and wet this AM…Going to be nice

    on Sunday though….Mid 70’s…I forecast a Bourbon and Cigar on the Porch.

  16. ^^^^Ted Nougat
    Hey neighbor! I’m in Gulf Breeze. Lived in this area for 18 years in the 80’s & 90’s. We saw snow twice then, both just flurries. I looked it up & read average snowfall here is 1″ every 10 years. Yesterday, all afternoon, we got 40 years worth of snow. Immature grapefruits on the tree in the back yard sadly all frozen solid. We moved back here from Naples 4 years ago & one reason was that we missed the change of seasons. Careful what you ask for.

  17. Cleveburg here – Last night it was -2 deg absolute.
    At 1 o’clock in the morning Cletus the Brass Monkey knocked on the door asking to be let in.

    After he warmed up a bit he went back out to get his balls!

  18. I hope some in Florida who are getting snow will collect some of it, observe if and how it melts, any residue that’s left behind should be chemically analyzed for heavy metals, plastics etc. As a former Coloradian, I remember some of the snow there had the consistency of styrofoam, really weird stuff. GEOENGINEERING!

  19. Hey Poop! Hey neighbor!

    I cleared off my car today, thought I would take a little drive to the corner store, take a look around. Nope. Got around the corner and realized the roads were still too bad for my Honda Accord. Went back home and couldn’t make it up my steep driveway.

    Lots of roads closed; we’ll have more icy conditions later tonight with some of the melting going on today.

  20. Reporting from North Carolina. The mountauns got 6 to 9 inches, the coast got 3 to 6 inches of snow, Central NC got between 1 to 3 inches of snow. Second snow event after 1000 plus days. Freezing cold and very sunny at the same time – some rapid melting.

    Streets and roads are basically clear, but secondary roads freezing over tonight. Brining road, streets and interstates is the main method of winter preparation. Not as effective as rock salt and scraping.
    Temperatures will be in the teens and single digits possible again tonight.

    Schools, some businesses closed, yet big box and grocery stores still open. Kids are sledding on “powder” snow that turns icy – not snowman making snow. Tons of Northern transplants influence so grocery store panic runs for milk, bread and eggs don’t happen as much anymore.
    Enjoying the snow and cold temperatures after almost ten months of 80s to 100 degree endless summer and hot, Indian summer fall.


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