It’s So Hot In Arizona… – IOTW Report

It’s So Hot In Arizona…

You can cook a steak on your dashboard.


It Was So Hot In Arizona That A Postal Worker Cooked A Steak In His Truck.

A postal worker in Arizona decided to cook a steak on the dashboard of his mail truck to demonstrate how hot it gets inside the vehicle during the summer. He began cooking the partially thawed piece of meat at 10 a.m. and by 12:30 p.m the steak had an internal temperature of 142 degrees.

The postal worker detailed his experiment, along with the daily temperature readings from his truck, and sent them to Arizona state Rep. Shawnna Bolick. She wrote a letter to Mark Dimondstein, president of the American Postal Workers Union, calling on him to launch an investigation into the conditions postal workers must endure throughout the summer months. read more

28 Comments on It’s So Hot In Arizona…

  1. It’s hot in the summer in the desert? Pfft, next thing we’re going to be told it’s also dry. Last year mailboxes were melting in the AZ sun. Postal workers are good at bitching about heat, and cold, and snow and rain and going house to house, then bitch about the internet lightening first class load. You’d think they want a cush government job with pensions or something.

  2. So now the postal rates will increase in order to pay for plates, pot holders and dinner-wear.
    And we may have to include a stove vent, cutlery, seasonings and dishwasher.

    Cooking inside a mail truck should be off limits because of the potential for destroying U.S. mail.

  3. Curiouser and Curiouser
    What Federal Laws, if any, do those payment processing places operate under? You know, the ones that handle money from, for example, the DNC AND RNC. Do they operate under Las Vegas Rules or Silicon Alley Rules?

    Inquiring Crypto Minds should want to know.

  4. I was a telco man back before telco trucks had AC. Fuck off.

    I still own vehicles that don’t have AC. Fuck off.

    When I was a young ‘phone man we didn’t have screwguns either, or electric drills. We were issued 5 turnscrews: #1 Phillips, #2 Phillips, Cabinet tip Standard, Standard Standard, Dial Screwdriver.

    And we were issued a ratcheting dual direction Brace and an oiled canvass of drills.

    I say again, fuck off.

  5. I was a telco man back before telco trucks had AC. Fuck off.

    I still own vehicles that don’t have AC. Fuck off.

    When I was a young ‘phone man we didn’t have screwguns either, or electric drills. We were issued 5 turnscrews: #1 Phillips, #2 Phillips, Cabinet tip Standard, Standard Standard, Dial Screwdriver.

    And we were issued a ratcheting dual direction Brace and an oiled canvas of drills.

    I say again, fuck off.

  6. What the hell just happened. I made a spelling mistake and blew the thing up.

    I also “screwed” up on the 6th turnscrew. We had 6, not 5. The 6th was The Dog Killer. A Standard Standard of massive proportions. More of a prybar than a turnscrew.

  7. Yeah… I like to order most things by mail here in good ol AZ.
    Because I’m lazy, and I’m used to not having a car to use most of the time. (A mix)

    I’ve actually had something made out of plastic arrive partially melted. And you can FORGET food or snacks being delivered. >>;
    The horror…

  8. Nantambu (we called him Tambu) was huge. He was a brave man. And he could drill holes with his bare hands.

    That’s really the day we became telephone men.

    We really all did change that day. Tambu, wherever you are, you are a good man.

  9. It’s still not as hot as the Persian Gulf or working on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier during flight ops. We had to mandatorily take salt tablets daily to keep from getting dehydrated, now that’s hot. And for what it’s worth I don’t like it when it’s above 90 like it has been the last few days but we’re also lucky we don’t have the humidity like they do back in the Mid West and the East coast, thank God.

  10. So quit.

    The simple fact that the maggot hasn’t quit is testimony to the reality that it ain’t as tough as he purports – his truck HAS air conditioning – and he AIN’T buying the gas.

    Another drama queen.

    izlamo delenda est …

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