‘It’s so rare that a left wing rioter is brought to justice’ – IOTW Report

‘It’s so rare that a left wing rioter is brought to justice’

American Lookout-

Left Wing Rioter Who Handed Out Explosives In Minneapolis Sentenced To Nine Years In Federal Prison.

It’s so rare that a left wing rioter is brought to justice, and that makes this story remarkable.

A young man who participated in the Antifa/BLM riots of last spring in Minneapolis has actually been sentenced to nine years in jail.

He actually handed out explosives during the riots, so nine years was pretty lenient, all things considered. STORY HERE

12 Comments on ‘It’s so rare that a left wing rioter is brought to justice’

  1. “Sentenced To Nine Years In Federal Prison.”

    Let’s see how many years he actually serves in prison, if it’s even close to 9 years I will be satisfied.

    It’s fairly easy to sentence the most heinous of criminals but there are several degradations between this guy and the casual looter who made off with some sneakers. Any and all of those “peaceful protestors” that destroyed property, set anything on fire, threw a dangerous object at police, assaulted and used violence against the police, or assaulted anybody present, need to be charged and sent to either jail or prison.

  2. Sorry kid, we have to make an example out of somebody.
    There is 50+ incarcerated from the Capitol.
    How many are in jail in Minneapolis? Just the 1?
    For an overdosed CRIMINAL.

  3. Imagine that…a white boy doling out explosives at a BLM protest gets nine years.

    Black BLMers should be in jubilant celebration their demands of ridding disparate impact that is rampant within the systemically racist justice system is working!
    Unless of course it was never about that 🙄

  4. He’s one of thousands of fascists who have destroyed Democrat cities and their businesses.
    Another example of the two tiered judicial system, compared to those who dared to walk into the capitol complex on 1/6.

  5. Just wait, if this story starts to get legs the new current truth will state that the white boy was just pretending to be a lefty but is in reality a White Power, NEO NAZI, John Bircher who was just trying to make the left look bad.


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