It’s Take Your Dog to Work Day – IOTW Report

It’s Take Your Dog to Work Day

KUSA: Each year the Friday following Father’s Day is designated as Take Your Dog to Work Day.

Friday, June 22 is Take Your Dog to Work Day.

It was created in 1999 by Pet Sitters International (PSI), an educational association for professional pet sitters.

The goal is to celebrate the great companions dogs make and promote their adoptions. It is always celebrated on the Friday following Father’s Day.

n its inaugural year, 300 businesses participated in the event according to PSI. While more companies have joined each, PSI doesn’t track the participants because companies aren’t required to register for the event.  more here

12 Comments on It’s Take Your Dog to Work Day

  1. Rather enjoyed “Take your child to work day” and then be saddled with a group of children from the “bosses”. Took them to the cafeteria area and told them the defibrillators were the “Greatest new set of Headphones”. Good times,,,

  2. Snorky- That’s great!

    I’m retired and “working” in my carpeted living room, but Boobie’d rather lie on the cool terrazzo in the kitchen. I can’t see through the brick wall but she’s with me in spirit.

  3. I don’t gotta dog … and I don’t work … so, can I riot and burn down some small town?

    Social Justice, and all that …

    Or maybe cut some Jews’ heads off? Or shoot up a Christian Church?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I am way past sick of the Amazon “look at me’s” dragging their unruly mutts to work with them on the commuter rail every day and home again every evening. From speaking with people who work at Amazon a lot of them detest the practice of people bringing their pets to work as well but are afraid to say anything about teh practice.


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