It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year! Already??? – IOTW Report

It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year! Already???




This is not me. Ever.


I avoid going out in public like I avoid the plague. But yesterday, November 9th, 2018,  I was forced to go out to the grocery store because all I had left in the cupboards were paper napkins and a cookie. Plus, I needed insulin, seeing as how I didn’t have enough on me to eat the cookie anyway.  So, away I went, into ‘the public’.

Outside the pharmacy, I heard piped-in (or out?) music that stopped me in my tracks.  It was Andy Frickin’ Williams singing, ‘It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year’!  Come on, y’all. On November 9th?  Waaay before Thanksgiving!? I remember when Christmas music was not played until the day after Thanksgiving.

Why are people annoying me this early?

I don’t mean annoying as in I hate Christmas music. I don’t hate it at all.  But at this date, it’s too ridiculously early, and I’m afraid I’m going to resent it. LOL.

What do you guys think? Is it too early?  Just about the right time?  Or are you 1,000 percent mental for Christmas music and listen to it all through the year?

Wow! Look at him! Andy Williams had black hair and everything! 😀

80 Comments on It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year! Already???

  1. It is the most Wonderful Time of the Year….

    SuperBoat International World Championship Offshore Racing in

    Key West !!!

    I took 100 pics Yesterday(forgot spare Battery…)

    Probably 400 Tomorrow (Thank God for Digital)

    I’d post a link to My Pics…But I’m in FB Jail !!

  2. …i worked at a Sears for two decades @Nicola Timmerman, and by the time that was over, I had re-written every Christmas song with my own words so effectively that I don’t DARE try to sing them in church NOW, because they weren’t nice words AT ALL, and I’m afraid they might accidentally pop out during an otherwise innocent caroling….

  3. It’s too early. I love Christmas, but it’s way too early.

    Since I’m on the subject, let me say that Paul McCartney needs to be flogged for writing that execrable Christmas tripe with the endless chorus where they’re “simply having a wonderful Christmas time!!!” ad infinitum. I was working in the security office at a JCPenney’s over the holidays one year and I swear they played it every ten minutes. It’s almost as bad as his Silly Love Songs, which makes my eye twitch.

    Ho ho ho, everybody! 😉

    LOL @ Nightshade! I worked at JCP on and off for a long time. I could never work retail again.

  4. Way too early… I don’t want to listen to Christmas music until Dec 15th. Then I really enjoy it. When it’s played for 2 months…it becomes annoying.

    And I hate Christmas cards with just the senders name. Either say something….or just save your money.

  5. I usually wait until the 17th or so, when I start my shopping, for the Christmas season to begin.

    But this year I started November 5th because I need Christmas really badly right now and so does my family. I have to get the tears and crying fits down to a minimum… hopefully.

  6. I too have my own misgivings about being in the general public, it’s something I have tended to outgrow as I have come to realize that most people you find on the street are stupid assholes and often less intelligent than myself.
    As such, I have learned to use a pistol proficiently and become aware of my surroundings.
    Outside of that; I have no control over those that constantly push the holidays.

    Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas.

  7. It’s a distraction. We’re in the middle of having our votes stole…HEY IT’S CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY HOW ABOUT A SONG!?!?!?!

    ..and we’re supposed to not think about how the dems are…I LOVE THIS SONG!!! LET’S PLAY IT OVER AND OVER FOR MONTHS!!!!

    …because if the American people ever got together and…. HO!HO!HO! BLACK FRIDAY SAVINGS TODAY!!!!

  8. Bcattin –

    That sounds awesome. Those guys are crazy and don’t seem happy unless they’re on the razors edge. Dang adrenaline junkies. 🙂

    Did you perchance go ‘sightseeing’ at Fantasy Fest? You don’t see that stuff on the High Plains. 🙂

  9. Chuffed, I’m sorry. My parents both died just before the Christmas season started (not recently, over 30 years ago) and it’s still a bittersweet season for me. I lost them both by the time I was 24. I keep the memories alive, talk about them to my daughter. You adjust, but it’s very hard. Hang in there.

  10. I don’t like all the commercial hype.
    I put up giant C9 old school lights in the
    yard,trees and my radio tower {80′}.Makes my
    meter spin like the Christmas vacation movie.
    No tree,no family,no friends, no presents, just a single prayer
    on the eve and I am done.

  11. “I worked at JCP on and off for a long time.”

    …were you there when the Muzak people were saving money by having Communist orchestras do instrumental versions of pop songs, @Merry Poppet? After the Chistmas songs, THOSE were the WORST.

    …although, yes, anything Paul McCartney was…and IS…pretty terrible, too…

  12. Nightshade

    When I first got out of high school and was attending a JC I got a job at sears. At Christmas Time. In the toy department.
    My most memorable moment was a young mother with a two year old and a newborn pushing a stroller asked me about erector sets. Except it came out erection sets. I told her it look like she had that covered. She left with a red face.

  13. I’m a traditionalist…Ago, we waited until Santa Clause came out at the end of the Macy’s Day Parade before a note of Christmas music was played. And we were in New York to watch it. That was the tradition there. After Thanksgiving was the start of the Christmas season. Even today, we place our Christmas tree up either Thanksgiving weekend or the weekend after.

    When we take it down…That is the argument amongst spouses.

  14. From someone who once loved Paul the best, I think he’s a big stupid weenie and rude as well. A rabid lefty and don’t even care for the Stones much anymore, either, except I like their music better (like DJT does, too) Would only hope that if Lennon were here he’d be conservative by now but I doubt it. Lennon is now on a recent US postage stamp.

  15. I’m sorry chuffed. I feel for you. I couldn’t shop right now if you put a gun to my head. I would just say go ahead and shoot. I have no control over the tears and crying fits whatsoever.

  16. “She left with a red face.”
    …AND your phone #, @Bad_Brad? I mean, if she was erecting YOUR set and was so obviously experienced…

    …speaking of which, we had security guards with full control of the cameras, and if a buxom young lady was in the house you could steal refrigerators if you wanted because the cameras were busy looking at a couple of other things….

  17. XM started playing mostly cheesy Christmas music on Nov. 1 which is way too early. I don’t even think about Christmas till Thanksgiving is over and even then I don’t participate much in all the Christmas commercial hoopla. Christmas to me is and always will be about Jesus coming as a child to live amongst us. It’s not just about Santa Claus and all the commercial trappings that come with it. Call me a Grinch if you want but I prefer the peace of Christ this time of year. And the really good Christmas music classical and otherwise starts on XM after the 1st of December. And I’m a typical guy when I go Christmas shopping, I know what I’m looking for and I get in and get out as fast as possible since I don’t like crowded malls and shopping centers and people buying stuff for others just because they feel obligated by guilt to do so. And don’t even get me started on all the luxury car commercials this time of year or jewelry commercials. I also tend to keep the TV off as much as possible since I hate most of the cheesy Christmas specials especially all the romantic garbage on the Hallmark channel.

  18. Amazon your dry goods. Pharmacy deliver your meds. Skip to Eastern Orthodox date of Jesus’s birthday, January 7. If you have to go out, eat at oriental restaurants. Earplugs.

    Solitude is expensive, but for us it’s the only option to live a normal life.


  19. @chuffed – @Merry

    Holidays are for families (soak them up) When my wife passed there was no reason to celebrate any holidays as my step-kids live a long ways away and have their own families….so I’m alone with my memories.

    No gifts, no decorations

  20. Around Christmas week, I try to listen to more of the Greek Orthodox type church music. I imagine Zonga does as well. (Hey girl! How yu durin’?)
    It takes me back to when I was a kid with the Greek side of my family.

  21. “Lennon is now on a recent US postage stamp.”

    …i wouldn’t recommend LICKING that stamp,@dee, since blotter acid was quite popular in the ’60s and the Post Office might be giving out 4D experiences for the holidays….

  22. Ow My Balls, Yep! haha!
    I celebrate two Christmaseses.

    Oh, and the people who were saying how awful that McCartney song is, YAAAS!!!
    It makes me want to do something violent to him. Like mail him pictures of Yoko Ono.

  23. I noticed this year the Christmas decor was in place at Home Depot about 1 week after the Halloween decor was in place, or about October 7th. It was invading on the Halloween merch, clearly there wasn’t enough shelf space and a lot of merch was randomly scattered on the floor.

    It was the earliest I’ve ever seen Christmas merch for sale outside of Goodwill.

    I got my haircut a few days ago and got to talking to the lady cutting my hair about it. She said the earlier you decorate for Christmas, the happier you are. Which begged the question, do you put it out earlier the happier you are or does it make you happy to have put it out early? She said you’re happy because you’ve put it out early.

    I told her I must be a miserable son of a bitch then cause it doesn’t ever come out around here till after Thanksgiving and every other year we don’t drag it out at all because we travel to visit the other family half.

    Then I got thinking, hmm, my life has been so much easier ever since I ditched the light strings. Tangled going up, tangled coming down, broken bulbs, etc. I feel sorry for the assholes with all the China plastic sleds and reindeer that need to be tracked down after blowing around the neighborhood. No, wait, I don’t feel sorry for them, that’s their own misery. 🙂

  24. RottyLover –

    I know of what you speak, but I won’t say ‘I know what you feel’. Nobody can know what you feel….nor can they me.

    May you find some sort of Peace… i’m still looking for mine.

  25. Nightshade, I bet Penney’s will do the same in not too long. They lost their customer base when they tried to be like Nordstrom. Years after they stopped carrying appliances, people still came in looking for washers and dryers. I sent them to Sears. 😁

  26. Sewer workers and garbage haulers eventually get used to the stink. EMTs eventually become somewhat inured to the suffering (by necessity or we wouldn’t have any of those wonderful people). Evidently, McDonald’s workers after a while stop hearing all those electronic beep-beep-beeps that make it next to impossible for normal people to eat in the restaurants proper.

    But Christmas music, even though it plays far too long, eventually stops for some months. The natural human defense mechanisms mentioned above hardly get a chance to kick in, and any beneficial effects from them wear off by the following November.

    Like other commentors, it isn’t that I dislike Christmas music. Some of it is quite lovely, especially the sacred ones (O Holy Night is a favorite of mine).


  27. Hell, are we able to say ‘Merry Christams’ any more? Way too early. Like the ugly snow and cold we got here in Northern Illinois. But it is a cold wind that just ran through our elections. Too many folks looking at shiny free stuff. Sorry, but I hate these folks. They are too stupid to elect those who do them good. Just want to keep sucking on the teat who pay taxes to support these bottom feeders.

  28. “Is it mean-spirited to want the guy who wrote/recorded Grandma Got Run Over By The Reindeer to get run over by the reindeer?”

    …I would prefer he get run over by a John Deere @Uncle Al, but that’s just me…

  29. @Bad_Brad, our youngest son moved out here when Jim went on hospice. He’s staying through the winter for sure, I don’t know that he will want to stay permanently. He’s complaining about the ice, cold and the little dusting of snow we had already. He ain’t seen nothing yet! 🙂

  30. One of my first jobs in Seattle was at a company very much like Michael’s, arts and crafts and all things made in China. They’d have 20+ themed Christmas trees decorated and Christmas Muzak playing by September 1st. Ugh! Too soon!!!

    After Thanksgiving, play all the Christmas tunes ya want. The classics only-no Mariah Carey please.

  31. RottyLover-I lost my husband 2 years ago next Tuesday. Wish I could say it gets easier but it does not. Rough edges just smooth a bit and life changes dramatically but it can still be good. Praying you find peace as I have.

  32. MJA –

    ** I’ll deck the posts with boughs of Holly, play music, and all that fun crap**

    I’ll bring the peanut brittle. My step-daughter makes the BEST.

    It is definitely an art. A couple of degrees or minutes either way and it’s no good.

  33. @Bad-Brad, we have 2 boys. The oldest will be 40 in Dec., the youngest turned 37 3 days before Jim died. @TTHHE, sorry for your loss too. Thanks for being honest, I had the feeling that is how it would be.

  34. I may be on the wrong thread, because I hum Christmas songs all year long. Yet, I have to agree it makes the “reason for the season” extra special if Christmas songs are played in public after Thanksgiving. Christmas and Easter are my favorite holidays.

    I know the holidays for those who have lost a close loved one can be painful, just know the True, Loving and Living God cares and you are not forgotten. We all have hardship and crisis in our lives. Don’t let it get the best of you or you’ll be crushed under the despair.

    BTW, “It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” is one of the songs I adore and hum all year as well as “Have a Holly Jolly Christmas” and “The Christmas Song”. Yeah, I’m different.

  35. With the exception of sometimes buying gifts early, because if I see something that screams one of my kids would like that or something one of my grandkids has asked for and it’s a bigger ticket item, I buy it and put it back, Christmas is not really thought about until after Thanksgiving.

    Once my kids were grown up until I had grandkids decorations didn’t go up until about a week before Christmas and started coming down Christmas night. My grandkids started asking last year on Thanksgiving when we were going to put up lights and a tree. So until I’m dead or they’re old enough to not care if I have decorations up or not, Christmas decorations will go up the first week of December.

    Stores though drive me nuts, the week before Halloween local stores already started putting out Christmas stuff.

  36. @99 Squad Leader
    No, not at all!
    I sing Christmas songs to myself all year round, but it gets especially bad in July/August for some reason.

    Christmas Music is lively and joyful which is why it’s so addictive. 😉

  37. It sounds like I’m the only one with all my Christmas shopping done, and presents wrapped. What the hell is with you guys, where’s your Christmas spirit?

    Christmas can be a tough time for many. It’s an anniversary for some tough times for us too. Not trying to minimize what someone might be going through.

  38. I love joe6pak. But I’ve always suspected there was something seriously wrong with him. Damn it Joe. Turn in your man card. LOL. No real man shops for Xmas unless it’s within 48 hours of D Day. And then we don’t wrap the gift. Just saying Joe!

  39. @bad_brad

    Untrue. Lol.
    My dad was as manly as they come, ex lumberjack from flagstaff and everything… and he always made sure to shop at least two weeks before Christmas to get my mom very nice presents (He always let mom handle the kids). And he always would gift wrap one or two before bagging the rest.
    He got really festive and creative with each tag too… I miss him.

  40. Just so every one knows, I have in my possession the direct phone number to the lovely Mrs. 6Pak and will tell her what she can expect for Christmas tomorrow. LOL. I’m just not sure how you wrap that. LOL

  41. Brad, not my husband, he went shopping on Christmas Eve and you got whatever was left over. He was done with his shopping within 30 minutes.

    I’ve broke him from being quite so bad and he does at least put some thought into it now and he no longer shops on Christmas Eve, but he still asks me why I’m getting into such a hurry.

  42. Gotcha,
    Got a lot of family out there. In fact the wifes at an event out there this weekend. I couldn’t make it. You seem pretty young. Maybe you need a new vantage point. Easy to get stuck in a rut. Next time I’m headed out that way I’ll hit you up. Your stories about your father are heartbreaking. I get this feeling you need to bust out. But that has to be done intelligently. Bottom line is I have a lot of nieces and nephews out there I think you could relate to. Up to you. Thought I’d make the offer.

  43. I was in Hobby Lobby at the 4th of July and Christmas stuff was out.
    Gotta buy those crafty projects early so your acorn/clothes pin/silly eyes treasures are ready on time.

  44. I see I’m a little late to the party, so if I seem to have missed an especially important moment, please forgive.

    I LOVE Christmas – in a quiet sort of way, but I love it. However, it *is* too early for the songs. I think we should be able to do Thanksgiving the way it is meant – time set aside specially to add to the daily gratitude, a whole day of thinking about all we have as we enjoy it, especially our families. Dealing with the commercialization of Christmas pushes that to the margins and I don’t think that’s right.

    Once the Christmas season officially arrives in Lisl Land, I don’t mind shopping, so long as it isn’t rushed and I can stop when I want. BUT. I REFUSE to shop on Christmas Eve or Black Friday. I won’t be part of that crazed pushing and shoving crap, and I do, in fact have some dignity. I love people, but I don’t like them enough to be there for that sh**. Plus I’m cheap, so I slow shop all year for Christmas for the best sales and contemplation of something a little more meaningful than what was in the closest bin. Or I try, anyway.

    Anyway, I’m in Alaska, where we have been online shopping since before the wheel, so I often take that route.

  45. I once told my wife that the day after thanksgiving I want to eat a big turkey sandwich, brush my teeth and be put into a coma. Then be brought out of it on New Year’s Day to find another turkey sandwich waiting for me. That’s how I want to spend the holidays. She didn’t think it was funny.

  46. Christmas decorations? LOL, we have a neighbor across the street who has a Christmas tree up 24/7/365. People here tend to keep lights on their houses all year (and on during the dark months even before and after Christmas season), but that’s taking it a bit far even by our standards.

  47. After 8 years of nihilistic socialism and a preponderance of Evil tidings, with mendacity, hypocrisy, and corruption in ascendancy, we’ve now had 2 years of burgeoning growth and optimism, a return to a semblance of sanity, and some hope for a better future for America than we’ve had for some time – so, I think, people are just in the mood to celebrate.

    And what better to celebrate than the Birth of Christ?
    (I always try to put the best face on things and ignore the crass commercialism)

    izlamo delenda est …


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