It’s the Product, Stupid – IOTW Report

It’s the Product, Stupid

American Thinker: Not many companies in the past several years have generated the amount of attention and controversy as Tesla has. Tesla’s CEO, Elon Musk, is without question one of the more uneven and mercurial company heads to have come along in quite some time. He has generated an almost unprecedented amount of attention for himself and his company, some good, some not-so-good. He’s been described as egotistical, charismatic, stubborn, deceptive, brilliant, pioneering, erratic, and unrealistic. But one thing he’s not is boring.

When Tesla announced the Model 3 sedan back in 2016, it was heralded as a game-changer for the electric vehicle (EV) market. Finally, here was an EV that looked like a sleek, expensive sport-luxury sedan, had enough range — around 300 miles — to be practical as an everyday car, and, best of all, would be affordable. Musk boasted at the Model 3’s introduction that the 3’s pricing would start in the mid-upper $30k range. A high-end Honda Accord or Toyota Camry cost about the same as the entry-level Model 3. With large-scale deliveries of the Model 3 due in late 2017, this was to be the turning point for the emergence of the non-internal combustion engine (ICE) market.

Brilliant promoter that he is, Musk took full advantage of what he knew would be the frenzied interest generated by the 3’s introduction by offering a delivery “reservation” to customers for a $1000 deposit. Although an exact number has never been published, reportedly over 300,000 customers sent in something like 300 million dollars to Tesla for the privilege of waiting over a year for their Model 3 to be delivered.

Predictably, the Model 3 was late.

Significant numbers were not delivered until late in 2018, a full year behind the initial promise. And the much-ballyhooed “upper $30k’s pricing” never really materialized either. The vast majority of Model 3 deliveries thus far have been upper-end versions with the longer-lasting batteries and upper trim/option levels. Production complications at Tesla’s Gigafactory battery production facility and an inability early on for Tesla to make a profit on the lower-priced version were given as the reasons for the delay of the promised “affordable” variant.

Nonetheless, when Tesla delivered over 50,000 Model 3’s in the 4th quarter of 2018, it became the largest-selling individual luxury nameplate in the U.S. market, outselling every other individual luxury nameplate from Mercedes, BMW, Lexus, Cadillac, and Acura. Newly profitable and delivering significant numbers of their hottest model, Tesla appeared to be silencing their many critics and fulfilling their promises.

Not so fast.

11 Comments on It’s the Product, Stupid

  1. Steve is a cunt, too. I don’t mean that you are a cunt. There are a lot of any-non-emouse cunts. Shit happens. I’m shit — so are you. But I actually like you. You are a good guy, except for that Nazi shit. I don’t know if it was you with that Nazi shit, but, you know, I think you are square.

  2. Innovation and invention is a GREAT thing, personalities through history mean NOTHING. So what he is effed up?

    Wants to relieve TRAFFIC? Fine by me.

    And no I do not own or want to own a self driving car, yet…maybe when I am 80 years old going 80 mph handless I’ll let ya know.

  3. Steve’s not Anonymous. He’s been identified as ‘Steve the Cunt’.

    So that’s one of us off the Anonymous list. Pretty sure the rest of us are cunts too though.

    And we’re all named Seth.

  4. Panel gaps you can sleep in, quality control less than a matchbox car, fit and finish only a moron would buy sight unseen, even with USED vehicles. Sleek like a bar of soap is sleek, priced just good enough for taxpayers need to chip in, as useful as a pile of oiled rags. Knobs and dials are for losers, this car has a touch screen that flickers and fails more spectacularly than a pulsar. What’s more convenient than charging a stick of dynamite in the garage you sleep above? A 220V high speed dynamite charger, that’s what. Not convenient enough, just make patrons of nearby businesses absorb the cost of that sleek explosive bar of soap as it gains potential energy with a convenient cord that sucks up coal as fast as the nameplate suggests, 75Dynamites, 85Dynamites, 100Dynamites! Then roll off into the sunset with noses held high leaving a wake of silent smug, onto the next hopeful destroyed business or residence knowing a Tesla owner is too good to screw everyone by itself, the government is here to help. There’s even a list to sign up in the form of an interest free loan to help move the cause forward. Wrap it all up in a pretty marketing bow knowing the wait time is a small price to pay for the world to pay for another Tesla.

  5. I keep seeing more and more Tesla’s in the left lane driving by me on I-90 when I’m out driving. That and Chevy Revolts, I just don’t get why anyone would want an expensive electric car which are nothing but a scam and POS’s to boot. But then I don’t suffer from liberal guilt and I drive a 1991 Honda Civic Real Time AWD little station wagon with 238,000 miles on it (I avg. about 25-30 mpg with it) and it’s one of the best cars I’ve ever had and in good running condition.


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