It’s The Same All Over – IOTW Report

It’s The Same All Over

Argentine Presidential Candidate EXPLODES on the Left: “If You Give an Inch They Destroy You!”

10 Comments on It’s The Same All Over

  1. Well, he isn’t wrong. Quick, have a servant drag up a fainting couch, I gots some pearls ta clutch. He used harsh language! Unpresidential! Ohh, the vapors, the vapors!

  2. @ Billy Fuster AT 8:16 AM

    Yea, like shit establishment Republicans are ever going to express sincere criticism of their dear, dear “friends across the aisle.” That’s not going to happen.

  3. Speaking of across the aisle RINO weasels, Ramaswpamy definitely thinks that’s how to “negotiate” with the left. Just one of his RINO ideas. He’s not be trusted.

  4. Argentina; Amazing outcome when there’s little US Funds and CIA intervention (corruption) in elections.

    We should try that in the US in 2024.
    Can the FBI and the CIA resolve NOT to interfere?

  5. Argentinians are addicted to government spending and price controls. That is why they’ve been riding the ideological pendulum for generations.

    They can only handle a conservative government until austerity starts to sting, then they clamor for the return of the peronistas.


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