It’s “The Streisand Effect” – IOTW Report

It’s “The Streisand Effect”

Part of Biden’s new routine is to shuffle out to Marine One while his handlers surround him to hide his feeble state amid reports he can no longer walk solo.

15 Comments on It’s “The Streisand Effect”

  1. If he is wearing “Boat Anchor” shoes, maybe he should take a trip back to where he was a lifeguard and take a quick dip, so the kids can stroke his leg hair again of course.

  2. “The Streisand Effect”
    Babs can go straight to hell where she belongs.
    Really don’t understand why we even have to comment on that sub-human piece of shit to begin with. Make no mistake, Babs is the biggest piece of floating turd in my toilet.

  3. I used to have this fantasy of Joey and Vlad Putin facing each other in single combat, but no more. Joey would take one feeble shuffling step into the arena and fall face-first into the dirt, and then say something like, “I’ve, ah, ah, pollen and, and, and, I can’t get, get, get, you know, the thing.” And after that, Vlad would walk off in embarrassment (for Joey) and disgust, and the whole thing would be too boring and tedious to get any pleasure from it.

  4. .
    Oh how easily we get distracted and cave to the leftists and their perverted, abnormal and undesirable point of view.

    Distraction and their attempt to completely alter the facts of life, indeed, the truth of reality, is positively astounding.

    GOD forbid, it actually works for them against the weak-minded

  5. Next when your satan lover loses what you gonna do, sell Bibles on the corner?
    Bring religion into supporting a false God,oh I never thought of that.

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