It’s Their Unholy Alliance That Endangers the Republic – IOTW Report

It’s Their Unholy Alliance That Endangers the Republic

Diogenes’ Middle Finger –

The events of the past couple of weeks have given pause to many, and in some circles say the present swing of the pendulum’s direction has used all it’s energy. But even with the embarrassing, epic incompetence we are witnessing in DC, and the current upheaval in the war for the culture, some things will remain constant. 

The Democrats are torn between far left totalitarian instincts on one side and the Liberals’ complete political malpractice on the other. Their seething contempt for the conservation of anything valuable and rational in governing remains whole, complete and total. It is psychologically and professionally impossible for anybody on the left to admit the simple truth that the Right has been right about the Left all along because it would mean being forced to eat the seething contempt for all things conservative that has been wired so deeply into their identities for so long.

The result of this crippling and impenetrable psychological block is that is remains imperative to the left sense of self that the right (that’d be you and me) continue to be caricatured as fucking awful humans. more

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