It’s time for Liz Cheney to go – IOTW Report

It’s time for Liz Cheney to go

Liz Cheney faces ouster moves in GOP Congress and in Wyoming

American Thinker:
By Monica Showalter

House GOP conference chair, Rep. Liz Cheney, is finding herself unpopular.

Her largely unfollowed-move to impeach President Trump has led to more than one move for her ouster.

On Jan. 12, she put this battle cry…

Much more will become clear in coming days and weeks, but what we know now is enough. The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing. 

and attracted all of nine GOP followers.

Maybe that’s because there was a rush to judgment and President Trump wasn’t responsible for the riot at the capital. There’s a heckuva lot of mounting evidence — the timeline, the character of the people busted, the failures of security, the Trump speech transcripts — to suggest that far from this being the doing of a culpable Trump, the whole thing was a leftist put up job. Most Republicans could recognize it — a trial without evidence is pretty much a kangaroo court. Liz, not so much.

Memo to Liz: when you wave ‘charge’ banner and yell to the troops to follow you someplace, and they … don’t follow, maybe you aren’t a leader.

Here’s what she’s got going instead in her home territory of the swamp:

The Wyoming congresswoman and No. 3 leader of the House GOP caucus faces an uprising from conservative lawmakers unhappy with her yes vote to impeach President Trump.

Cheney was one of only 10 House Republicans to side with Democrats Wednesday.

Some Republicans are looking to stage an internal coup using a playbook employed during an attempted ouster of then-Speaker Newt Gingrich in 1997.

“We’ve researched the rules thoroughly and there has been a lot of discussion on how to handle this,” Montana Rep. Matt Rosendale told Newsmax. Cheney ”is out of step with the conference in such a monumental way.”

It looks even worse back at her nominal home of Wyoming: MORE

11 Comments on It’s time for Liz Cheney to go

  1. Now if I could figure out who to talk to in Ohio to do the same to my Congressfuck Gonzales (R) who voted to impeach President Trump. I am in a solid conservative farm community with Trump signs, flags, banners everywhere. He should pay dearly for his vote.

  2. Cheney got a slap on the wrist that they’ll forgive in time for the next election. She’ll provide some piddly-assed benefit for Wyoming and get their backing again. Buy them off to sell out the constituents again; the unbroken pattern of politicians.

  3. Trump pardoned black democrat crooked as hell Kwame Kilpatrick.

    Trump did not pardon ASsange.

    Here’s how that can be read.

    (Trump down on his knees saying “please, please don’t convict me in the senate! I’ll do anything you ask. Anything!”

  4. What WhoopAss said.

    If those RINO’s get replaced it will be by Democrats in crooked elections. Cheney may be safe for a while because the Dems will figure that Wyoming is not worth the effort, but they will be taking their crooked election show on the road to a district near you.

    And the John Roberts of the world will be quoting Mueller: “It’s not my purview.”

  5. xxx beats me to it again.

    Too bad about Assage. If you embarrass the IC, Schumer said they have 6 ways from Sunday to get you and threatening Trump was one of them.

    The President had the power but bet your ass Pelosi, Schumer and McConnell stayed in touch. There was another earlier threat from McConnell. Over what, I can’t recall now but the threat was unmistakable. I always wondered why Trump found it necessary to steer around the obvious 800 pound gorilla.

    I know I’ll never live to see it but someday I hope we get a leader that doesn’t take any prisoners. For my grand daughter.

    Right now DC is a rock solid cesspool. The printing presses will never be turned down.


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